Collaborative Project Management Software
Project Management

4 min read

Understanding Waterfall Management with Collaborative Project Management Software


Apr 2024


Ever wonder why some projects feel like they're stuck in a one-way street with no room for change? Traditional waterfall project management has its challenges—extended timelines and rigid progress.

But get this,  according to Harvard Business Review, 75% of teams using collaboration tools saw better project success. Now, imagine collaborative project management software swooping in as the hero.🦸

It brings flexibility and dynamism to a waterfall, making projects adaptable and progressing smoothly.💹It's like having the best of both worlds—structured yet flexible.

So, next time your project hits a roadblock, think about collaboration magic to keep it rolling seamlessly! 🚀✨


What is Waterfall Project Management?

Waterfall project management is like tackling your to-do list one step at a time. It's a linear approach where each phase, like planning and testing, flows into the next, just like a waterfall. Once a phase is done, you move on to the next.⏩

It's organized and structured but might not be as flexible when changes pop up. Think of it as following a clear path from start to finish. In short, it is characterized by a sequential flow of activities, with each stage building🪜upon the completion of the previous one.

The typical stages of waterfall project management include:-

Collaborative Project Management Software

1. Requirements 

In this stage, the project team works🧑‍🤝‍🧑closely with stakeholders to gather and document all project requirements. This involves understanding the needs and expectations of the client or end-users.

2. Design

Based on the gathered requirements, the system design phase involves creating detailed specifications for the system. This may include architecture, hardware, software, data, and user interface design.

3. Implementation

In this stage, the actual development of the project takes place. The project team works on coding and programming based on the specifications outlined in the system design phase. It is the most labor-intensive phase of the waterfall model.

4. Integration

After the implementation phase, the individual components or modules are integrated into a complete system. This is followed by thorough testing to ensure that the system functions according to the specified requirements.🔎Testing includes mainly unit testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing.

5. Deployment

Once the system has been thoroughly tested and approved, it is deployed to the production environment. This involves installing the system and making it available for end-users.

6. Maintenance

After deployment, the system enters the maintenance phase. This stage involves addressing any issues that arise, making updates or enhancements, and providing ongoing support to ensure the system continues to meet user needs.


How to Choose the Best Waterfall Project Management Tool?

When choosing a waterfall collaborative project management software, ask the following questions -:

  • Tailored features - Does it offer stage-specific support? (e.g., clear modules for requirements, design, and implementation)
  • User-friendly interface - Is the interface intuitive for all team members? (e.g., straightforward navigation and minimal training required)
  • Customization options - How much can we tailor it to our workflows? (e.g., adjusting task categories or project milestones)
  • Cost-effectiveness - Does the pricing suit our budget? (e.g., any free plan or affordable monthly pricing)
  • Integration capabilities - Does it smoothly integrate with our existing tools? (e.g., compatibility with communication or version control software)
  • Scalability - Can it grow with our project? (e.g., handling increased tasks or potentially replacing other tools in the future)


collaborative project management software


How Waterfall Model Works with Collaborative Project Management Software

Waterfall management is a traditional project management approach that follows a linear and sequential process, with each phase of the project completed before moving on to the next.

On the other hand, collaborative project management software is designed to facilitate teamwork, communication, and coordination among team members.

While these two concepts might seem somewhat conflicting, it is possible to use collaborative project management software in conjunction with a waterfall approach. Here's how:

1. Project planning

In the waterfall model, detailed planning is done at the beginning of the project. Collaborative project management software can be used to create and share project plans, timelines, and milestones.

Tools like Kroolo enhance team collaboration by enabling real-time collaboration on project requirements, designs, and plans. The AI-powered approach of solutions like Kroolo ensures effective collaboration, providing intelligent insights throughout the planning process.

2. Task allocation

After establishing the project plan in the Waterfall model, tasks are allocated to team members. Each member gains visibility into their responsibilities, deadlines, and dependencies, fostering collaboration and transparency.

Collaborative Project Management Software

Kroolo's task panel plays a pivotal role in this process, efficiently organizing task updates in alignment with waterfall project management. It enables clear task assignments and seamless progress tracking, ensuring everyone stays informed and on top of their responsibilities at each stage.

3. Documentation

Waterfall projects prioritize thorough documentation. You can invest in the right collaborative tool that streamlines document creation and sharing, ensuring all team members stay updated. For instance, Kroolo's document management features, including version control, provide a clear project history, essential for the waterfall's sequential stages.

Also, users can effortlessly create and format documents, embedding various elements, for versatile needs. Kroolo's intuitive editing options enhance the efficiency of document management in Waterfall projects.

4. Communication

Effective communication is critical in any project. Collaborative project management software like Kroolo integrates features like chat, project boards, and comment, threads to facilitate seamless communication among team members.

This centralized conversation management tool not only streamlines communication, but also supports threaded discussions having replies, forwards, reactions, and file attachments within threads. So, this tool can be an ideal choice if you’re looking for the perfect team collaboration in the remote era.

5. Tracking and monitoring

Waterfall projects involve strict monitoring of progress against the plan. Collaborative project management can provide real-time updates on task completion, allowing project managers to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions.

6. Change management

While waterfall projects typically resist changes once the plan is set, collaborative tools can assist in managing changes more smoothly. Teams can discuss and document change requests and project managers can use collaborative platforms to assess the impact on the project schedule and adjust plans accordingly.

7. Integration with other tools

Collaborative project management software plays a pivotal role in the meticulous planning stages of the waterfall model and in seamlessly integrating with various project tools.

With 20+ built-in integrations in Kroolo, teams can gain the flexibility to effortlessly update project priorities, statuses, due dates, budgets, and dependencies.

Whether using different platforms for projects, teams, goals, or chat management, our SaaS project management software offers a suite of integrations in a single, unified platform.


The 5 Best Waterfall Project Management Tools to Use in 2024

Some of the popular waterfall project management tools are as under -:

1. Kroolo

Collaborative Project Management Software

When it comes to selecting the best collaborative project management software, you can’t miss on Kroolo. It offers dynamic features, providing an unmatched experience in creating, organizing, and tracking projects like a pro.

Some of the powerful features are -:

✅ Seamless project organization: Create an unlimited number of projects effortlessly, breaking tasks into lists with Kroolo's intuitive interface. Enjoy the flexibility to structure and manage tasks according to your project's unique needs.

✅ Effortless automation: Experience a smoother project management journey with Kroolo's built-in automation. Eliminate unnecessary hassles as automated processes align with your specific requirements, enhancing overall project efficiency.

✅ Dashboard excellence: Group your projects within a dashboard for a consolidated, at-a-glance view. Kroolo empowers you to create and manage multiple projects within your workspace, providing flexibility in categorization. Effortlessly handle priorities, statuses, due dates, budgets, and dependencies in one central location.

Kroolo stands out as the optimal choice for waterfall project management, empowering your team to efficiently navigate project complexities.

With customizable views, seamless project organization, and powerful automation, Kroolo ensures your team can focus on delivering successful outcomes, free from unnecessary complications.


2. Clarizen

Clarizen Collaborative Project Management Software

via Clarizen

Clarizen is a robust project management and work collaboration platform suitable for Waterfall methodologies. With advanced project planning, resource management, and reporting features, Clarizen empowers teams to successfully navigate through the various stages of Waterfall project delivery.


3. TeamGantt

TeamGantt Collaborative Project Management Software

via TeamGantt

TeamGantt specializes in Gantt chart-based project management, making it an excellent choice for waterfall projects. It offers intuitive Gantt chart creation, task dependencies, milestone tracking, and team collaboration features.

With its user-friendly interface and emphasis on visual project planning, TeamGantt helps teams effectively manage waterfall projects while staying on schedule and within budget.


4. LiquidPlanner

LiquidPlanner Collaborative Project Management Software

via LiquidPlanner

LiquidPlanner is a dynamic project management tool that accommodates the uncertainties often encountered in Waterfall projects.

With features like ranged estimates, priority-based scheduling, and real-time collaboration, it enables teams to adapt and manage changes efficiently while maintaining a structured project plan.


5. Planview

Planview Collaborative Project Management Software

via Planview

Planview stands out as an enterprise-level project management solution tailored for waterfall methodologies. With its comprehensive suite of features, teams can engage in detailed project planning, robust progress tracking, and insightful reporting.

This tool is designed to support collaboration within large teams, ensuring seamless communication and coordination. Its capabilities facilitate the methodical execution of projects, aligning closely with the structured nature of the waterfall model.


collaborative project management software


Unlock your Waterfall Project Management Power with Kroolo

In conclusion, waterfall project management offers a structured roadmap for project execution, ensuring methodical progress through distinct phases.

Though criticized for its rigidity, it excels in clear planning and risk reduction. However, integrating collaborative project management software enhances its adaptability and communication, mitigating some of its limitations.

While not universally suitable, waterfall remains a reliable approach for projects with well-defined objectives. By leveraging collaborative software, teams can maintain control while embracing the benefits of enhanced collaboration and flexibility. 🌊🔍

Sign up with Kroolo and explore the power of seamless collaboration today!


Project Management
