Goals and OKRs for all Teams!

Track and collaborate on goals and OKRs at organization, team or individual levels to create alignment, accountability and transparency.

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Create Goals Using AI

Let AI create Goal objectives and OKRs instantly using simple prompts and you can assign tasks and members to get started.
Create GoalGenAI Operating
Create Goals Using AI
Manage Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)


Manage Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)

You can define measures or key results for each goal objective. This ensures that goal tracking becomes easy. Use metrics like number, currency, % or others, to track goal progress effectively.

GOAL TRACKING and personal goal


Manage Team or Personal Goals

Save your hours and track multiple goals (parent or sub-goals) in a single dashboard in Tile and List view. No need to track the goal progress separately. Invest in Kroolo to invest in your team!.


Create Sub Goals

Create sub-goals wihout any limitation view your... sub-goals within parent goals in one consolidated view.
Create Sub Goals with kroolo
 More Features
More Features. More Flexibility

Increase accountability across the organization with goal dashboards and progress timeline that you can update in real time and filter by owner, and members.

Assign to person or team

OKRs can be assigned to specific member or entire team, depending on your Workflows.

More Features
Mention Blockers

Mention any specific Blockers which needs attention from anyone.

More Features
Share Achievements

Celebrate achievements within your teams on meeting goal objectives.

More Features
Yet have questions about Goal Management?
What is a Goal Management Platform? kroolo-done-icon
How does Kroolo’s Goal Management Platform benefit businesses? kroolo-done-icon
What features does Kroolo’s Goal Management Platform offer? kroolo-done-icon
How can Kroolo’s Goal Management Platform improve team collaboration? kroolo-done-icon
Is Kroolo’s Goal Management Platform suitable for business of all sizes? kroolo-done-icon
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