Kroolo vs. Slack

Switch to Kroolo – the ultimate AI-first Hub for managing workspaces, projects, and goals effortlessly. Dive into the fun world of Kroolo channels, threads & DM for seamless team collaboration! 🎉Why complicate things when all your favorite features are in one spot?

kroolo-done-iconCreate Goals using AI
kroolo-done-iconCreate Smart Docs seamlessly
kroolo-done-iconLeverage integration with 20+ Apps
kroolo-done-icon Summarize Tasks and suggest subtasks using AI

Why Kroolo is the Best Slack Alternative?

Why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary with Kroolo? Create project boards in a speedy 6 seconds, summarize projects in just 3 seconds, and import boards in a swift 5 seconds. Setting goals? Only 8 seconds. Drafting docs? A breezy 6 seconds. Plus, weve mastered chatting within documents! It a performance that leaves Slack in the rearview mirror. Kroolo isnt just an alternative; its the upgrade you ve been waiting for!
Every feature is available for FREE forever!

Compare features with Slack

Compare features with Slack
Compare features with Slack
Team Channels / Real-time Chats / Direct Messagescompare-donecompare-done
Integration with third-party Appscompare-donecompare-done
Create project using AIcompare-donecompare-done
Summarize project using AIcompare-donecompare-done
Project Discussionscompare-donecompare-done
Task view - List, Kanbancompare-donecompare-done
Summarize Tasks, Suggest Subtasks using AIcompare-donecompare-done
Custom Task statusescompare-donecompare-done
App embeds (Google Apps, Figma, Notion)compare-donecompare-done
Custom fields and columnscompare-donecompare-done
Team Goal / OKRscompare-donecompare-done
Smart Docscompare-donecompare-done
Chat with Doc using AIcompare-donecompare-done
Import Native Google Docscompare-donecompare-done
Manage multiple Workspacescompare-donecompare-done
Cross Projects overviewcompare-donecompare-done
Smart Notificationscompare-donecompare-done
Every feature Available for FREE forevercompare-donecompare-done
Generate a Goal in 8 seconds

Speak or type your prompt and watch your goal get instantly generated in less than 8 seconds. Create sub goals and OKRs with a simple prompt and monitor your teams performance from a single dashboard.


Ready to supercharged for productivity?

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