Managing multiple projects
Project Management

4 min read

How to Manage Multiple Projects like a Champion


Jan 2024


Managing multiple projects is a common challenge for project managers. According to Rebel's Guide to Project Management, nearly 60% of PMs run 2 to 5 projects, 11% run 6 to 10 projects, and 15% run more than 10 projects. Truly, sometimes, juggling multiple projects feels like playing a three-dimensional chess game.

Well, this isn’t a sign of bad management skills. However, you need to master the art of leveraging the best project management tool and the right skill set and knowledge to lead the game efficiently.

Picture this - Deadlines popping here and there, overlapped meetings, and to-do’s keep on multiplying. The result is low on quality and delay in submission. So, that’s where productivity software comes to the rescue. 

This guide plunges into the heart of project management and productivity tools and helps you discover the best ways to manage everything without being caught in a tornado. Get ready to have some fun as we examine how to tame multiple projects like a champion!


How to Manage Multiple Projects Successfully?

Managing multiple projects is an art and not everyone can master it. However, with meticulous planning, strategic coordination, and collaborative teamwork, you can manage it like a pro. Let's discuss a few tactics to find the right balance with multifaceted projects -:

1. Create a detailed project plan

Plan before you start working on any project. Create a project plan in detail and study its scope of work. Have a solid contingency plan if you go south. Understand the reasonable expectations of your clients and make sure you have a strong team to cater to their requirements.

During this process, you and your project team may feel mental exhaustion while going back and forth between tasks. In that case, invest in powerful project management software and keep your workload minimal.

Wait. Here's a catch. You can invest in AI project management tools and automate task creation and project management to save your productive hours. Sounds effective, right? 

2. Break down tasks

To break down the management of multiple projects use the Kanban board. This will help you keep track of your to-do's and done. Follow the steps below -

  • Identify projects and initiatives

Create a list of all running projects and top-level programs in line with the organization’s strategies for product launches, new product releases, development cycles, marketing campaigns, and others.

  • Create a kanban board

Hang up a visual schedule of your activities, such as projects, in big charts, or digital platforms. Break down the board into blocks corresponding with work steps or phases (e.g. Backlog, In progress, Review, Completed).

  • Visualize workflow and dependencies

Identify the activities, milestones, or sub-projects required within each project to be carried out for the completion of the entire project. Show dependencies between projects, like tasks that precede others.

  • Establish WIP limits

Establish the limit of projects or tasks to run concurrently in each phase. This reduces unnecessary stress and ensures that your team completes their tasks on time.

  • Assign responsibility and resources

Define roles and delegate tasks. Clarify who is accountable to whom and who will take charge of each project/task. This prevents unnecessary duplication of effort.

  • Regular reviews and updates

Conduct regular reviews or board meetings to track progress and check the bottlenecks if any to execute the plan correctly. Promote open communication to discuss issues & priorities.

3. Focus brings productivity

It’s true to say that a focused man is more productive at workplace. However, it’s equally important to master the art of focusing to manage multiple projects simultaneously. And for that, you need to train your mental muscles and analyze the direction of your mind. 

Here are some tips to strengthen your concentration and improve productivity -:

  • Say no to less-priority tasks. Take the most important and high-priority tasks first
  • Automate project creation with Kroo AI. It simplifies the process of adding new projects and tasks to your workspace
  • Implement timeboxing technique. Open a calendar, enter a block of time for respective tasks to avoid procrastination
  • While at work, put all pesky notifications on silent to focus on your tasks

4. Limit context switching

Are you toggling between tasks? Or hopping in & out from one meeting to another?

Well, it takes an average of 23 minutes to regain focus after a distraction. It’s true, right, we do all these every single day which further leads to exhaustion when we try to engage ourselves in actual and productive tasks.

According to a study from the University of California, Irvine, just 20 minutes of repeated interruptions can cause higher stress, pressure, and frustration at work. Bouncing around apps, tasks, and platforms is nothing but a sheer waste of time.So, don't fall into a trap of  "Quick check", "quick call" or a "quick chat". 

Limit context switching - kroolo

So, how to deal with context-switching? 

A) Manage all apps in one platform 

Look for the best project management platform that offers a myriad of integration tools to manage your work in one central place. For example, you can sign up with Kroolo to create projects, manage goals, define roles delegate tasks, and communicate with your team in one platform. Shift yourself from chaos to clarity now by making the right choice. 

B) Use list view and Kanban view

Use Kroolo’s Kanban view and List view to review the status of your tasks. This will help you keep track of time and know the time spent on respective tasks.

Task view5. Keep your team in the loop

When you’re managing multiple projects, you need to eye on the transparency levels. And, the cost of ignoring it could be too high or even devastating.

Nearly 70% of the workforce would be more productive with effective communication processes implemented at work. So, make sure you keep your team in the loop and implement a clear and transparent communication process.

Importantly, companies often use micromanagement to coordinate with their team and keep them updated. However, this devours the majority of their time in ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Well, there’s a hope!

You can manage your teams hassle-free with Kroolo. Add members, define roles, and customize team settings based on your preferences. Don’t let your team feel like they’re in the dark. Create a channel and chat in threads to keep them updated with every single project they’re involved in.

6. Share updates with stakeholders

While working on any project, it’s important to create foolproof transparency with your clients. Ensure that every task is bringing them closer to their goal with added effort and understanding. Share access to your dashboard so they can review the status of the task and map out the progress of the project.

7. Delegate work & track delegation 

There’s a thin line between micromanaging and being an absent manager. As a project manager, you may define roles and delegate tasks to get work done quickly. However, you will have to work beyond delegation too.

No matter whether you’re a project manager or product manager, no one wants to get micromanaged. It destroys your team. Putting bluntly -

  • It’s vulnerable to human errors on both sides
  • Destroys the trust and confidence of employees
  • Increases the employee turnover rate

Instead of assigning tasks, use an online project management tool to track all delegations. Give freedom to your team to work on a centrally shared project and track what’s shared on everyone’s project with this software.

How to Use Kroolo to Manage Multiple Projects with Ease 

You can design the workspace to your comfort level by grouping and creating multiple project groups. A consolidated dashboard view that enables easier management and collaboration of projects. It is now easy to revise project priorities, statuses, due dates, budgets, and dependencies.

Key features 

  • See all your projects in the single dashboard
  • Get a comprehensive dashboard that makes it easier than ever to see and follow projects in real-time
  • Easily use priority, status, dates, owner, or other filters to enhance understanding of your projects
  • Choose from Public or Private mode for enhanced cooperation according to your needs
  • Integrate your SaaS project management with Kroolo for seamless working with tools such as Asana, Trello, ClickUp, Wrike, Monday, Jira, and others

Simplify all the productivity needs with Kroolo under one platform using just a few steps!


Craft Your Success with Kroolo

Finishing strong is key! Leverage this toolkit and formulate a win-win strategy for your team and clients that aids in managing multiple projects successfully.

Whether you’re a freelancer, gig worker, or business owner, dealing with multiple projects utterly requires an effective productivity platform. It truly works as an unnoticed hero in task management as well as the enhancement of teamwork in a project.

However, it’s not just about doing things; it’s about doing them well, and the right project management software can make all the difference.

So, sign up with us to continue and discover what works for your team. Create your account and find a solution to the successful management of multiple projects.

P.S. What’s your secret to handling multiple projects?



Project Management
