Technical documentation
Document Management

5 min read

How to Write Technical Documentation like an Expert | 6 Step-by-Step Guide


Jan 2024


Have you ever found yourself staring at the technical instructions, trying to decipher obscure jargon?šŸ‘€

Staring at document

O.K., that's where technical documentation comes to the rescue like a superhero and sorts out the mess.

In that case, it is all about condensing complex informationšŸ“œ into a manual easily adopted by users, making it easy for your clients to make full use of your product.

Well,Ā according to Fortune Business Insights, the demand for document management software will boom to a colossal $18.97 billion by 2030 from $6.23 billion in 2023šŸ“ˆ. This surge is more than just an indirect testimony to the growing importance of technical documentation.


What is Technical Documentation?

Technical documentation is a collection of written materials with detailed specifications, functions, and technology, product, system, or process. The main objective is to help clients and users making them learn how to use, maintain, or understand the technology as a reference guide.šŸ“‘ This documentation typically includes:

1. User guides or manuals:Ā Instructions for end-users on how to use the technology or product

2. Technical specifications:Ā Technical information, such as system requirements, hardware specifications, and software configurations

3. API documentation:Ā Information about app programming interfaces like endpoints, methods, parameters, & responses for developers incorporating the technology into their systems

4. Installation & configuration guides:Ā Installation, setup, and configuration instructions for the technology

5. Troubleshooting and support documents:Ā Information to enable users to diagnose and resolve frequently encountered problems or errors

6. Design documents:Ā A comprehensive description of the system architecture, design decisions, and reasons behind choices in technology


Reasons to Write Technical Documentation

Understanding, using, and maintaining technology all depend on technical documentation. Its detailed and concise instructions, troubleshooting tips, and information about systems, APIs, or products make it easy to use.Ā This documentation guarantees consistency, reduces error, assists training, and encourages cooperation among all involved parties. User experience is improved while the level of support needed is reduced. And at the same time, it offers -:

  • Clear instructions and guidance
  • Error reduction and consistency
  • Support for training and onboarding
  • Enhanced collaboration among stakeholders
  • Better user experience, less maintenance needed


Types of Technical DocumentationĀ 

There are 2 main types of technical documentation.

1. Product Documentation

Product documentation describes the features, functions, and usage specifications of a particular technology or system. Its materials include a broad range, from assisting developers to end-users.

This manual includes aĀ user experience (UX) guide, which explains how to navigate through the software; repair manuals providing instructions for fixing product problems; and system-specific documents designed for developers and manufacturers of products.

Its main function is to teach users how properly to utilize the product, and at the same time, it also helps developers understand and improve on underpinning technology.

  • Focus: Functionalities, detailed features, and usage instructions
  • Examples: UX guides, repair manuals, and system-specific documents
  • Types: UX design, product requirements, API guidelines, source code explanations, updates, and user guides; Technical architecture and manuals
  • Audience: Developers, manufacturers, and end-users
  • Purpose: Makes effective use of products for users, and makes it easier for developers to understand the technology and to improve it


2. Process documentation

In contrast, process documentation takes a look at the basic mechanisms and techniques behind the production of products. These documents are mainly directed at developers and designers and provide a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes in development.

Such materials include project plans detailing outlines and schedules; detailed testing strategies describing how the product is to be evaluated; and internal troubleshooting aids helping in problem-solving during stages of development. Documentation for the process includes various items, such as test schedules to ensure thorough product evaluation, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) describing development workflows, papers providing information and analysis, case studies, and product roadmaps.

The major goal is to make development processes clear and generate integrated roadmaps for the development team in order to understand this creation process.

  • Focus: How products are made: Inner workings and procedures
  • Examples: Project plans, testing strategies, and troubleshooting guides
  • Types: Test programs, development SOPs, white papers, case studies, and product roadmaps
  • Audience: Product creation: Developers and designers
  • Purpose: It clarifies development processes, sets roadmaps, and provides insights into the creation process for the development team


How to Write Technical Documentation

Are you ready to create better technical documents and proposal drafts that make your team more productive? Follow the following steps to write technical documentation with Krooloāœļø-:


1. Know your audience and what they are looking for

When writing technical manuals, first do a thorough job of planning who you'll be writing for --internal knowledge base materials or the general public. Note that, it varies for different audiences in different formats šŸ‘„-:

  • End users: Manuals, guides, FAQs on operating, maintaining, and troubleshooting products/services.
  • Developers and engineers:Ā Technical specs, API docs, and source code explanations for integration and maintenance.
  • Project managers and decision-makers: Reports, plans, and roadmaps to understand project statuses and directions.
  • Troubleshooting guides and FAQs for technical problems can be found in Support and Helpdesk Teams.

Kroolo allows you to create a task directly using Kroo AI. This means that when your audience kicks in, the next step is to understand them.


2. Find an interesting topic to attract readers

When technical documentation creation is involved, research becomes crucialšŸ”. Research the latest topics and, as far as possible, answers to the questions and queries of your audience. So, enter the game of research by establishing a main objective for your documentation.

Work back from this objective, considering necessary components in doing so and utilizing existing documents for purposes of relevance. Kroo AI turns out to be a lifesaver when it comes to brainstorming or suffering from writer's and artist's blocks.Ā šŸ’¬

It fits various roles and can easily help generate ideas as well as refine the relevant topics. Involve the entire team to make collaboration seamless, and enjoy the benefit of collective brainstorming which helps determine exhaustive topic research. This team effort, therefore, provides universally applicable documentation that will captivate and help your audience.


3. Select the most suitable type of documentation framework

Selecting the right documentation types is crucial for good technical materials, and Kroolo provides many versatile frameworks that can accommodate different needs. This wide variety of flexible options, ranging from nested pages to the ability to customize styling features, gives creators plenty of freedom to structure content smoothly and easily.

With Kroolo's intuitive tools, users can easily structure enthralling stories so they are convenient to read and attractive to the eye.

All these functions are presented in this complete package, so it is not just a matter of organizing the content but also making technical documentation that's interesting, easy to read, visually attractive, and hits home with its intended readers.


4. Structuring for user friendliness and visual appeal

Imagine how your users want information about your products or services to be presented.

Do they appreciate things like images and attachments visually? Well, adding visuals to technical documents certainly increases the level of user interest.Ā 

Kroolo makes it less difficult to smoothly mingle files, images, and links, making the document more complete. Its inline editor allows precise formatting and styling, making the content easy to read as well as beautiful.Ā šŸ–‡

Technical documentation

Through a streamlined process for integrating different multimedia components, Kroolo allows creators to amplify documentation with informative graphics and low-threshold information.

Kroo AI is there to aid you in making your document structure more scannable. Kroo's AI suggests a variety of ways that you can re-generate, shorten, or lengthen the content as well as an adjustment in tonality and language. Therefore, rewrite large chunks of sentences with Kroo AI in just 8 seconds!

Document management with Kroo AI

5. Solicit feedback from teammates and test groups

Technical documentation begins with a rough draft, but its improvement extends far into the future. It involves several revisions and a large amount of fine-tuning until it attains its best form.

However, Kroolo provides strong collaborative functions. You can smoothly incorporate useful feedback from teammates.

Create a channel with the team that you specify and cooperate in improving the quality of documentation. This feature allows your team to point out features and ideas you might have failed to spot.

personalize the doc

Additionally, it offers customized document appearances, with appropriate icons and names for easy recognition and group members' sense of unity. In its efforts to streamline teamwork and ensure alignment, Kroolo encourages a collective work environment and creates customized document graphics. As a result, it brings efficiency to the documentation process.


6. Put the material out and execute action items to keep it fresh

Kroolo's intuitive user interface makes publishing your documents a breeze. With ease, you can manage and share your documents. Furthermore, keep them relevant by scheduling and automating content updates. This ensures that your technical documentation remains current and useful to readers.


Craft Compelling Technical Documentation with Kroolo

Cheers to all freelancers and small business owners. Technical document writing isn'tĀ about difficult jargon; it's about clear step-by-step instructions that all can understand. Consider these valuable tips and craft technical documentation, make it user-friendly, andĀ expand as your business grows.

Truly, your documents are the torch lighting in the maze of tech troubles. Strive to simplify, and keep flexible, and soar your business high with a smart document management system that speaks nothing but intelligence and automation.

Sign up with Kroolo to gear up your startup adventure and prepare technical documentation like a pro.



Document Management