Project Management Dashboards
Project Management

3 min read

Project Management Dashboard: The Ultimate Guide for 2024


Nov 2023


Are you a Gig Worker, a Freelancer, or a Small Business Owner? 

This article is for you!



Want to track the success of your project?

Want to lead your team & manage multiple projects?

If yes, then it’s time to create and optimize project management dashboards.

Projects are the cornerstone of any successful business. It includes a lot of ingredients like – leadership, team collaboration & communication. You often need to buy the best tools and resources to cobble it all together. And, importantly, you need a consistent flow of information and efficient resource allocation to make informed decisions.

However, only 58% of organizations understand the importance of online project management software. With this information at your disposal, you can amp up your project and take competitive advantage of dashboards to lead your projects efficiently. Okay, so, let’s understand the project management dashboard in detail -:


What is a Project Management Dashboard?

A Project Management Dashboard is a repository of information that displays insights, metrics, and overall KPIs in one central location. Whether you’re a freelance gig worker or a startup, this data-driven platform will present your information with real-time data visualization formats.

So, if your team struggles with synergy or faces obstacles while juggling multiple projects, sign up at Kroolo and create your dashboard to track every bit of your project. This makes complex communication simple and keeps you posted on how much time spend on certain projects.

 “But, how can I set up my project management dashboard?” 

“Isn’t it just too time-consuming to create grids and charts for every project?”

Not at all! These are your goldmine, your compass in the project management wilderness.

With Kroolo, you can create your charts and tasks with just a few prompts. Phew!! That’s too quick and easy, right? Okay, so grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let’s jump right into optimizing the Project Management Dashboard.


project management dashboard software


How to Optimize Project Management Dashboards to Lead Teams?

1. Consider the purpose of your dashboard

Want to create your project metrics dashboard in Kroolo? Make sure you answer these questions confidently -:

  • Who will be the core user of this dashboard – Everyone on the team or a project manager?
  • Are you hoping to increase productivity or track project milestones and project phases?

2. List out the KPIs and widgets you want to track 

No matter what type of project you’re working on, it’s important to set your KPIs. By utilizing project management dashboard software, you can track the metrics of your goal's progress effectively through number, currency, and percentage.

From setting the project status to selecting the start and end date, you can save your hours and track multiple goals (parent or sub-goals) in a single dashboard in the Tile and List view in Kroolo. The best project management dashboard will help you to drill into detail whenever required.

project management dashboard software

Some of the essential project management KPIs that you can’t miss on your dashboard are-:

  • Task status
  • Upcoming deliverables
  • Project notifications & progress
  • Project progress
  • Team workload
  • Budgets and spending levels
  • Online team members

Want to become a high-paid gig worker? Make sure to add these options to your project management dashboard. This can help you prioritize your tasks and deadlines for different projects and deliver them efficiently without missing any corner.

3. Organize your data

Once you’ve listed your KPIs and decided on your best project management dashboard, all you need to do is arrange your visuals. Start linking your resources and behold them in your project dashboard. Manually operating data might seem daunting to you, right?

However, Kroolo harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and fills in your data based on the prompts given. Save hours of your time and invest productively in your core activity.

4. Make sure to focus on usability

Before creating the dashboard, sketch the layout as per the needs of your team, clients, and stakeholders. Focus on its usability and leverage graphs and charts for better visualization to make interpretation relatively easy for everyone.

Make sure you emphasize the most imperative metrics and limit the number of elements on your dashboard for better representation. This will help you in making informed decisions. Moreover, at this stage, you need to decide whom to allow and restrict the view of your dashboard.

5. Customize each element on your dashboard

So, which elements do you need to limit on your dashboard?

Well, cut off all the less-required information, unwanted documents, or any metrics that are no longer useful. Do not overburden your dashboard with too many colors and fonts that don’t fit into your story. Keep it minimal, and choose elements that are enough for a quick scan. 

So, choose the right KPIs and customize every element and its position on your dashboard to present your project and performance with clear visuals.


Empower Gig Workers with Project Management Dashboard Software 

1. Centralized information

Dashboard consolidates all your project-related information in one place. So, if you are a gig worker juggling multiple project tasks or startups looking to manage all your limited resources, start using the Project management dashboard. 

Save your time from searching documents and giving manual tasks updates. Find everything at just one place at Kroolo with just one prompt.

2. Clear visualization of tasks and projects

Are you planning to grow your business? But that demands focus and discipline with your project tasks. So, with the project management dashboard, you can manage multiple projects, goals, and milestones through the visual representation of charts and graphs. This will automatically bring discipline and dedication to your work and showcase you a pool of scalable opportunities.  

3. Real-time tracking

It provides you with an immediate and direct update on your project and lets you monitor your timelines in real-time. This allows your team to address issues promptly, make timely decisions, and adjust your strategies in alignment with the goal. 


Types of Project Management Dashboard 

1. Revenue and customer display

Revenue and Customer Dashboard breaks down the company’s or project’s revenue. In this dashboard, you can track the average revenue per customer, the number of customers attracted recently, and how many new customers have been added to your segment. Based on that, you can plan your campaigns and formulate strategies for investing in new customers. 

2. Sales performance

A sales performance dashboard enables managers and C-level executives to track sales and effectively control sales KPIs. It shows you how much bang you are getting for the buck in your campaign management. With this detailed information, you can monitor the lifetime value of customers, overall sales growth in a specific period, and customer acquisition costs.

3. Timeline or Gantt chart dashboard 

Do you know 86% of employees feel that the lack of communication is the biggest reason for workplace failures? With a timeline or Gantt Chart Dashboard, you can improve communication and strengthen your team synergy and cohesion with quantifiable conversations. This will show you how long each task will take on a project & can track overlapping activities and task dependencies through visual representation.

4. Sprint & iteration dashboard 

This is a visual tool in agile project management that gives you a detailed report. It tracks the overall progress and no. of work items in each status, helps the team in monitoring velocity, and ensures that tasks get completed within the preset time frame.

Such project management dashboard examples and types will help you make well-informed and smarter decisions effectively.


project management dashboard template


Multiply Your Growth With Kroolo

Want to reach your 6-figure income goal? Take a strategic step towards effective team leadership and efficient work management. Leverage Kroolo to optimize your project management dashboards with intuitive drag-and-drop functions and easy-to-use features.

P.S. No technical know-how is needed.

Take complete control of your project, and don’t miss any move in this competitive landscape. Create a free Kroolo account today and invite your team to collaborate on this productive platform!

Sign up and save your time with us!


Project Management

