Project Management Process
Project Management

6 min read

Project Management Process: Your Pathway to Goal Achievement


Apr 2024


Ever wondered how launching a new product, launching a marketing campaign, or rolling a new app – big ideas come to life?

Well, it’s about having a solid and meticulously planning in place and that’s where the project management process comes into action.

These processes are quite consistent and guide you through every twist and turn that your product or idea may take until you reach your destination.

So, buckle up! We're about to take a deep dive into the project management process steps– from start to finish. 

And spoiler alert: selecting the best project management tool is the superhero that keeps everything running smoothly.

Let’s get started!!


What are Project Management Processes?

A Project Management Process is a framework employed by project managers and teams to lead, plan, execute, and monitor a project's performnace from start to finish.

It encompasses a comprehensive set of steps and methodologies that ensure a project's goals and objectives are met within the predefined constraints of time, budget, and quality.

This project management process for a project allows for a structured yet flexible approach, enabling teams to adapt to changes without losing sight of the project's end goals. 

By utilizing SaaS project management techniques, organizations can optimize resource allocation, enhance communication, mitigate risks, and ultimately, deliver successful project outcomes that align with their strategic objectives.


project management process


The Five Project Management Processes

The five project management processes, often referred to as process groups, are defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and form the backbone of project management methodologies like the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge).

These project management steps and processes are:-

Project Management Process

1. Initiating

This is the first phase of the project management lifecycle. It involves identifying a new project or new phase of an existing project.

The primary purpose here is to define the project at a broad level, identify its purpose, and ensure its feasibility. Key activities include the development of the project charter and the identification of initial stakeholders.

Example: Identifying the need for a new software application and obtaining approval to proceed with development.

2. Planning

Considered the most critical part of project management, this step involves setting the project's roadmap.

The planning phase encompasses defining clear, actionable objectives and the steps it will take to achieve them. Detailed plans for scope, costs, time, quality, communication, risk, and resources are developed at this stage.

Example: Creating a detailed project plan outlining the scope of work, schedule, costs, and resources needed for development.

3. Executing

With a well-laid plan in place, the project execution phase kicks off. This phase involves the distribution of resources and the actual work required to complete the project's deliverables. It's where the plans developed in the prior phase are set into motion, and project management teams work to meet the project's objectives.

Example: Developing the software application according to the project plan, with tasks assigned to developers, designers, and testers.

4. Monitoring & Controlling

This phase runs concurrently with the execution phase and involves tracking the project's progress and performance to ensure everything aligns with the project management plan.

Adjustments are made as necessary to address any variances. Key activities include measuring project performance, monitoring risk responses, and implementing changes through change control processes.

Example: Tracking progress, comparing actual results to the plan, and making adjustments as needed to stay on track.

5. Closing

The final phase marks the completion of the project. Activities here ensure that all work is completed satisfactorily, contracts are closed, and project documents are optimized.

The closing phase also typically includes a post-project evaluation, allowing the project team to reflect on what was successful and what areas need improvement for future projects.

Example: Finalizing project activities, obtaining stakeholder acceptance, archiving documents, and conducting a post-project evaluation for lessons learned.


7 Tips to Build a Successful Project Management Process

Project Management Process

Here are some tips to help you establish an effective project management process:-

1. Clearly define project goals

Start by setting clear, achievable SMART goals. Understanding what you aim to accomplish sets the foundation for a successful project management process.

Importantly, invest in the best goal management software to create goals and OKRs instantly in just 8 seconds with a voice or text prompt.

2. Engage your team early

Involvement of your team from the earliest stages ensures that everyone understands the project goals, planning, and execution process.

This early engagement fosters a sense of ownership and commitment towards the project's success.

You can apply some brainstorming techniques and arrange for group discussion to foster smooth collaboration and communication within the team.  

3. Implement flexible planning

While it's critical to have a structured plan, flexibility is key to adapting to changes and challenges that arise during the project lifecycle. Incorporate contingency plans and be prepared to adjust as needed.

4. Focus on communication

Establish open and effective channels of communication. Keeping all stakeholders informed and involved is vital for collaboration, problem-solving, and maintaining alignment with the project’s goals.

Break down silos and take action to implement the best strategies for cross-functional collaboration to improve team performance.

5. Utilize the right tools

Leverage project management software and tools that fit the needs of your team and project. The right technology can streamline tasks, facilitate communication, and keep your project on track.

You can try Kroolo to create your project boards, tasks, and subtasks instantly using AI capabilities. Besides project creation, this AI-powered tool helps you with -:

  • Visualize all your projects in a single view in ONE dashboard
  • Helps you to move projects across Workspaces, without having to re-create or duplicate the project across Workspaces
  • Gives you the flexibility to manage custom statuses, depending on your Workflow needs
  • Seamlessly integrate and import project boards from your favorite apps (Trello, Asana, ClickUp, Jira, Monday, Todoist, and more) instantly
  • You can get a quick summary of your projects instantly using key elements like project status, completion %, task status, and dependencies

6. Monitor progress regularly

Implement regular status checks to monitor the progress against the plan. This enables you to identify any deviations early on and take corrective action promptly.

You can use Kanban view or List view to visualize the progress of multiple projects in one place for better clarity.

7. Learn from each project

After the completion of each project, conduct a review to identify what was successful and what could be improved. This agile project management is crucial for refining your project management process over time driving real outcomes.


project management process


Start your Project Management Journey with Kroolo

In conclusion, project management is your roadmap to success. Remember, effective communication is key, and embracing challenges is part of the journey.

So, as you embark on your next project, use these steps and processes to navigate toward your goals.

With the right project management software and the right approach, you can successfully bring any launch to fruition. Want to get started with your next-gen project management tool? Try us!

Sign up with Kroolo and take that first step now!!


Project Management
