document management workflow
Document Management

4 min read

6 Practices to Optimize Document Management Workflow


Jan 2024


Kia ora to freelancers, gig workers, and small-scale entrepreneurs! 

Have you ever felt like wrestling while managing documents?

Well, while managing multiple projects, there are higher chances of your documents getting misplaced, lost, or not found at the need of an hour.

M-Files found that 83% of employees will recreate documents if they can’t find them on the company network. This is a waste of time and results in a sheer waste of energy.

Surprisingly, according to a Forrester report commissioned by Adobe, a staggering 97% of organizations had minimal or no digital document processes, and 72% used a mix of paper-based and digital processes. If you can’t invest in the best document management software, you can't improve your productivity levels. It's high time to switch to the right DMS tool. 

Note that, managing docs is your one-stop shop for easy collaboration and document magic. It isn’t just about creating a doc, but more about editing, storing, and sharing it with the right person at the right time.

What is a Document Management Workflow?

The comprehensive approach an organization takes to handling its documents is called a Document Management Workflow (DMW). It covers a range of processes and activities fundamental to document governance: handling effectively, observing regulations, and reporting regularly.

So, grab a cup of coffee, relax, manage, and retrieve all your important and technical documents from a unified platform in just one click. 

document management workflow - kroolo

What does a Document Management Workflow Consist of?

Within a document management workflow, several pivotal sub-processes play a significant role. For instance -:

  • Creation: This part explains the procedures for producing and drafting new documents. It sets forth standards and best practices that ensure documents are written correctly and effectively from the beginning.
  • Editing: The editing phase describes how we improve existing documents, including proofreading, review cycles, and cases of compliance. Its purpose is to avoid errors and make the document scannable.
  • Categorization: Here, the focus is on organizing and indexing documents for easy retrieval and browsing. It means arranging documents into logical hierarchies, using folder systems, and adopting nested categories for better classifications.
  • Sharing: States the criteria for access to documents, indicating who can view, alter, and share documents. Permissions, collaborative functionalities, and protocols are controlled over documents.


6 Practices to Optimize Document Management Workflow

Tired of clunky document management systems?

Let the smart document management tool become your collaborative space. This tool is designed to change the way you write, share, and edit documents or wikis. A recent scientific study found that using generative AI tools can -

  • Reduce writing time by 40%
  • Improve output quality by 18%

Kroolo has in-built AI to work so that you don't even have to lift a word. See how Kroo AI gets your work done in a jiffy just with the right prompt.

1. Embrace effortless creation and sharing

It's never been easier to work on docs or collaborate with a team for better decision-making. With our AI document management software, you have the option to start fresh or make use of our AI editor. Try different templates or make the process easier by using Kroo AI's generative AI capabilities. Simply instruct the software and your document suddenly is alive.

 AI document management software - kroolo2. Easiest style of docs creation

Now editing and styling documents is a pleasure with Kroolo. Create the ultimate doc with both nested pages and a variety of styling options.

Attach files, images, links, tables, and codes wherever needed. It offers the flexibility to format documents for any purpose from detailed product roadmaps to comprehensive knowledge bases. Edit and format precisely with Kroolo’s inline editor or slash commands, making your document presentation a breeze.


3. Centralizing documents

Are you centralizing all your documents in one place?

If not, then this can be the root of chaos, data loss, and disorganization which further cause bottlenecks in your organization.

Sign up with an efficient document management workflow where every stake member of your organization can access to document and edit it in real time. 

4. Sub-nesting for organization heaven

Document management software makes complex structures easy to manage. With a single mouse click you can create three levels of nested docs. 

Organize your document structure however you want. Popularize every doc with its own individual icons and label it for rapid, real-time identification without stopping your workflow.


5. Integrating DMS with other platforms

Gone are the days when freelancers or gig workers used to rely on one particular platform for specific needs. This leads to context switching and kills your productivity level at the helm. Nowadays, gig workers or small-scale entrepreneurs invest in a centralized platform that offers a variety of integrations.

From project management to task creation, team collaboration, and doc sharing, invest in an all-in-one productivity platform that eliminates the need to switch between apps constantly.

Well, you’ll be glad to know that Kroolo offers some of the popular and commonly used app integrations like Slack, Zoom, Clickup, Asana, Notion, Trello,, and more. Stop shifting. Start sticking to a single resource hub – Kroolo for optimizing your document management workflow. 

Integration with other tools

6. Personalize your docs, your way

Customization is what matters in every document. Moreover, with the best document management tool, you can customize your documents as per your team’s requirements.

Whether it's about changing the title page, choosing your preferred avatar, or choosing a banner image-- add that personal touch to make docs feel unique and welcoming. 

Understanding Kroolo is your gateway to streamlined collaboration. Leverage this tool to collaborate, create, and customize documents like never before and start optimizing your document workflow hassle-free.

At Kroolo, collaboration is easy, fun, and fruitful. Say goodbye to the complex interfaces and welcome an easy-to-use document management workflow.


Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What are the major obstacles while optimizing document management and you can overcome it?

  • Disorganized file structures -> Optimize your workflows and arrange all documents systematically. This improves searchability.
  • Manual processes -> Shift from manual to automation. Automation eliminates the need for manual entry and saves time and energy.
  • Security risks -> Optimize your doc in the most reliable DMS tool. This strengthens security measures, protecting sensitive information.

2. What role does AI play in improving document workflows?

AI makes workflow optimization possible by - 

  • Automating document creation with just one prompt 
  • Improving searchability by using AI to allocate and label documents for easy retrieval
  • Enhancing predictive analysis by seeking out trends or inefficiencies proactively to make adjustments

3. When I'm dealing with a lot of projects how can I improve my document workflow?

Create as many workspaces as you want and add your document with respective details. Label documents, use the styling options, and personalize it with specific icons. Use Kroolo to organize and optimize communication, tasks, and version control for each project and document. 

4Are there any time-saving methods for managing invoices and financial documents more efficiently?

Yes! Invoice templates, tools that help automate recurring billing such as Wave or QuickBooks, and reminders about payment deadlines should all be set up. Use accounting software or spreadsheets to record spending and revenues, making tax time easier.

5How can businesses gauge the effectiveness of optimized document workflows?

Businesses gauge the success of the effectiveness of optimized document workflow through -:

  • Performance metrics: Recording document retrieval times, error rates, or completion times.
  • User feedback: Checking user satisfaction and ease of use of the tuned system.
  • ROI calculation: Calculating the cost savings or efficiency improvements after optimization.

6How does one collaborate with clients while maintaining document security?

Protecting client information is vital. Use encrypted online file-sharing platforms. Establish security controls, share only relevant information, and maintain clear communication with your customers on how information is secured if you don't want any problems.


Optimize Your Document Management Workflow with Kroolo

In short, for gig workers and freelancers, streamlining the document management process isn't just a way to add value; it's almost a necessity. Following the best practices laid out in this guide, you're not just reducing friction in your processes; you're positioning yourself to compete in an increasingly digital world.

Your best friend now is efficiency, which saves you time and effort. When collaboration is this easy, it's you who is the king of team projects.

Just bear in mind, that these techniques aren't solely about document control-they are also about improving and optimizing the entire document at work. Adapt these best practices to fit your workflow, and see your gig or freelance activities take off like never before.

Sign up with Kroolo and pave an efficient way toward optimizing your document management amidst a myriad of projects and tasks. 

Try first to trust us! 


Document Management