Sales Productivity Software
Task Management

4 min read

Sales Productivity Software: 12 Essential Kanban Board Examples for 2024


Apr 2024


Hey there🙋‍♂️

Have you ever felt overwhelmed with tasks, especially in the dynamic world of sales? That's where Kanban boards swoop in to save the day🗓.

Picture a visual task management superhero, helping you organize, prioritize, and streamline your workload effortlessly. And guess what?

When you pair this powerhouse with sales productivity software, it's like boosting your efficiency!

Let's dive in and uncover the magic of combining Kanban boards with cutting-edge sales productivity software. 🚀✨


What is a Kanban Board?

Kanban Board is a visual project management tool that enhances organization, task tracking, and workflow efficiency. It's like having a virtual sales assistant right at your fingertips!

With columns representing each stage of your sales process, from lead generation to deal closure, and colorful cards moving across the board as opportunities progress like "Prospects," "In Progress," and "Closed Deals."

So, whether you're chasing leads, nurturing prospects, or sealing the deal, a Kanban board in your sales software is your ultimate secret weapon for staying organized, focused, and ahead of the game!


Tips to Integrate Kanban Boards with Sales Productivity Software 

Combine the power of Kanban boards and sales productivity software to supercharge your freelance game for unparalleled efficiency and success in every project -:

1. Task organization

Kanban Boards serve as a dynamic tool for freelancers to meticulously organize their workload. By categorizing tasks into columns like "To-Do," "In Progress," and "Done," freelancers gain a comprehensive overview of their project pipeline.

2. Workflow visualization

The visual nature of Kanban Boards aids freelancers in tracking the progress of ongoing projects. This visualization helps them easily understand the current status of tasks, prioritize effectively, and identify potential challenges within the workflow.

3. Client & project management

Freelancers can leverage Kanban Boards to create dedicated sections for different clients or projects. This feature ensures that tasks are strategically managed, priorities are set accordingly, and clients receive timely and organized deliverables.

4. Time management

Incorporating estimated and actual time tracking into Kanban Boards allows freelancers to manage their time more effectively. This not only aids in meeting deadlines but also provides valuable insights into task duration, contributing to better planning for future projects.

5. Continuous improvement

Regular reviews of the Kanban Board empower freelancers to engage in continuous improvement. By identifying patterns, evaluating task durations, and addressing bottlenecks, freelancers can refine their workflows, ultimately enhancing overall efficiency and productivity in their freelance endeavors.

To take it up a notch, blending sales productivity software seamlessly with Kanban Boards streamlines processes and fine-tunes freelance operations, boosting productivity and paving the way for business success.


12 Essential Kanban Board Examples for 2024

1. Manufacturers

Manufacturers Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

In the realm of manufacturing, a Kanban board serves as a pivotal tool for streamlining production workflows. This visual board ensures a synchronized and efficient process for manufacturing project management software, from raw material acquisition to final product distribution. Each column signifies a crucial phase, providing transparency and facilitating real-time collaboration among team members.


2. Project management

Project Management Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Streamline your project management process with this dynamic Kanban board. Visualize tasks, optimize workflows, and ensure seamless collaboration among team members. From project initiation to completion, this board helps you stay organized and track progress effortlessly.


3. Agile software development

Agile software Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

This Kanban board is tailored for agile software development teams, providing a visual representation of tasks and their progress throughout the development lifecycle. It facilitates efficient collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement within the team.


4. Sales

Sales Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Enhance your sales game with a Kanban board - your visual ally in the hustle of deals and targets. This dynamic tool transforms your sales process into a streamlined journey, keeping tasks organized and priorities crystal clear.


5. Real estate

Real estate Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Manage your real estate projects efficiently with a Kanban board tailored to your needs. Track property listings, client interactions, and closing processes seamlessly, ensuring smooth transactions from start to finish.


6. Portfolio management

Portfolio management Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Efficiently manage your portfolio with a Kanban board tailored for strategic oversight. Visualize the progress of projects, allocate resources, and track milestones seamlessly. This dynamic tool ensures a clear, real-time snapshot of your portfolio's health, facilitating informed decision-making.

  • Customize your Kanban board to reflect your unique project needs
  • Collaborate with remote team in real-time, ensuring everyone stays on the same page
  • Utilize advanced project management metrics to identify areas for improvement
  • Integrate with other tools and platforms to streamline workflows and enhance productivity


7. Personal use

Personal use Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Elevate personal productivity with a Kanban board tailored to your daily tasks. Visually organize, prioritize, and streamline your goals, ensuring a harmonized approach to personal success.


8. Content marketing 

Content marketing Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Revamp your content marketing with a Kanban board – it's like a superhero for your workflow! This visual magic makes teamwork smoother, helps prioritize tasks, and gives you a real-time look at how your projects are doing.

From thinking up ideas to hitting publish, the Kanban board makes sure your team creates awesome content without any hassle. It's like having a secret weapon for efficient and compelling content creation! 🚀


9. Support team

Support team Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

A Kanban board for a support team is like a centralized hub for managing customer inquiries and ensuring timely resolutions. It provides a visual overview of support tickets, allowing team members to prioritize tasks, track progress, and maintain efficient communication with customers.


10. Brainstorming

Brainstorming Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Upgrade your brainstorming game with a Kanban board! It's like a creative hub where ideas flow, get organized, and smoothly turn into action plans.

The Kanban board's visual magic brings structure to your brainstorming chaos, ensuring no brilliant idea gets lost. Track each idea's journey, give credit where it's due, and make collaboration a breeze.

It's not just a tool; it's a team player, encouraging everyone to join the creativity party. Transparent communication turns brainstorming into a dynamic, organized, and super-fun experience! 🌟


11. Launching new book

Launching new book Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Efficiently manage the intricate process of launching a book with the strategic use of a Kanban board. This invaluable visual tool serves as the linchpin for orchestrating the myriad tasks associated with a book launch, providing a comprehensive and organized approach📚.

As you embark on this literary journey, the Kanban board becomes your compass, guiding you through each crucial stage, from manuscript editing to cover design, marketing strategies, and distribution logistics.

  • Break down the book launch into manageable tasks
  • Identify bottlenecks for a timely book release
  • Foster team collaboration using the Kanban board
  • Enable transparent communication and synchronized efforts
  • Easily rearrange tasks for unexpected challenges or capitalize on emerging opportunities


12. Weekly planning

Weekly planning Kanban board - Sales Productivity Software

Kickstart your week with a visual roadmap using a Kanban board for weekly planning. This simple yet powerful tool helps you prioritize tasks, track progress, and ensure a successful week.

Visualizing priorities

  • Gain clarity on your priorities with a quick glance at your Kanban board
  • Identify crucial tasks and allocate time efficiently

Efficient progress tracking

  • Seamlessly track the progress of each task through the workflow columns
  • Instantly know what's pending, in progress, and completed

Flexible adaptation

  • Embrace the flexibility of adapting your board as priorities shift
  • Quickly rearrange tasks to accommodate new challenges or opportunities

Boosted productivity

  • Experience heightened productivity as your tasks are visually organized
  • Witness the satisfaction of moving cards from "To-Do" to "Done"


How to Create a Kanban Board in Kroolo?

Creating a Kanban board in Kroolo is a breeze, offering seamless organization and management of tasks. Follow these simple steps to get started:

Kanban Board - sales productivity software

Step -1: Login to Kroolo

Access your Kroolo account by logging in with your credentials.

Step - 2: Navigate to task

Locate the task management section within Kroolo's interface.

Step- 3: Create a new task board

Click on the option to create a new task board. Select the Kanban board type.

Step- 4: Set up columns

Define your workflow by setting up columns representing different stages of your tasks. Typically, these include "To-Do," "In Progress," and "Done."

Step- 5: Add tasks to your board

Start populating your Kanban board by adding tasks or cards. Simply click on the board and add task details such as title, description, due date, and assignee.

Step- 6: Customize task views

Utilize Kroolo's advanced customization options to tailor your task-viewing experience. Switch between various views such as List, Kanban, or Calendar effortlessly.

Step- 7: Filter and sort tasks

Take advantage of Kroolo's powerful filtering and sorting capabilities to manage tasks with ease. Filter tasks by Due Date, Priority, Status, Assignee, Tags, and more with just a single click.

Step-8: Save your view as a template

Once you've customized your task view to your liking, save it as a template for future use. This allows you to quickly access and apply your preferred task-viewing settings whenever needed.


Visualize your Progress with Kanban Board 

Kanban isn't just about sticking notes on a wall; it's a dynamic system that takes organization and productivity to a whole new level.

The Kanban examples we've explored are like personalized checklists, perfect for fine-tuning your daily grind and smoothly navigating into a more organized work life.

But wait, there's more! Try Kroolo & make your work life not just simpler but also remarkably impactful. Experience the synergy of Kanban Boards and Sales Productivity Software – your gateway to freelance success.

Ready to simplify, amplify, and conquer your projects? Let's do it together! 🚀💼 

Sign up with Kroolo and effortlessly create, organize, and view unlimited tasks in Kanban board now! 



Task Management