best task management software
Task Management

5 min read

7 Key Features of the Best Task Management Software


Nov 2023


Are you juggling between multiple projects and their timely submission?

Well, the best task management software comes to the rescue. 

According to

96% of people feel that having a to-do list to work through makes them more efficient and productive.

95% of people feel that having a list of tasks to do each day is good for their mental health.

best personal task management software

From small-scale owners to freelancers, the best personal project task management software tools can help you manage multiple responsibilities of multiple project tasks smartly and digitally with just a few clicks.

From streamlining workflows to organizing your tasks, it has significantly served the objective of enhancing productivity in the domain of project task management.


best project and task management software


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Is Task Organization & Project Management Connected & Interdependent?

Task organization and project management are like two peas in a pod. They work separately but are interconnected and dependent on one another. Let's understand this with an example -

Task organization: Foundation of successful web development

Let’s say you have content creation, graphic design, coding, testing, and more. These are the tasks – the steps that, when combined, result in the successful completion of your project. Task organization is like arranging your toolkit, ensuring you have the tools (tasks) for each job.

Project management: Master plan for website creation

Now, let's zoom out and think about the process of building a website. You need to ensure that all those tasks are not only completed but also done correctly within the given timeframe and budget. This is where project management comes into play.

Think of project management as the master plan – it outlines every aspect of construction from start to finish. It involves planning, scheduling, resource allocation, and risk management. Your project manager ensures that content creators, designers, and developers are all aligned and working together harmoniously toward achieving a goal.

Challenges in task organization: Avoiding a chaotic workflow

Without task organization in place for your website project, you run the risk of ending up with a pile of mismatched bricks instead of a smoothly flowing workflow.

Why is task management important?

Well, it helps maintain organization, prevents any tasks from missing deadlines, and ensures that everyone stays on track with their work. Think of it like placing each brick in a construction project that goes one after the other to build a strong foundation.

Are project management challenges like a coordinated symphony or a chaotic noise? 

Now let's think about the picture. You may have excellently crafted tasks, like bricks. Without project management, they may not fit together seamlessly. Project management is responsible for coordinating the process, ensuring that each task complements the next and that everyone is working in harmony. It involves aligning resources, setting milestones, and navigating obstacles.

So, let's go back to our website example. To ensure your website is built efficiently and becomes a presence, you need both task management and project management. Task management focuses on the tasks. Like looking at each tree in a forest. While project management oversees the forest itself.

Remember that in the symphony of accomplishing goals, both task management and project management play roles. It's similar to having musicians playing their notes under the guidance of an exceptional conductor. That's when true magic happens.

Now, let's dive deeper into the key features of a task management system -


best task management software

Task Management Features To Streamline Your Projects in 2024

1. Planning and scheduling

Are you overburdened with piles of tasks for different projects? 

It’s time to leverage the best project management task software at Kroolo. All you have to do is ‘Sign Up’ and 'Create an account'. Then, break your entire workflow down into simple tasks through a structured approach. Prioritize your tasks as required based on the deadline or set them as recurring tasks. 

For instance, you can create a list with 3 main tasks –

  • Hiring two candidates for a position 
  • Giving access to must-have tools 
  • Arrange a first-week review meeting to see if the new joinee is settling well in the workplace

You can assign these 3 important tasks to different team members. And once you have assigned, you can track the progress when they start working on those tasks.

2. Collaboration

Are you a freelancer or a small-scale business owner? Planning to grow your team size to outscore your business? It’s time to invest in task management web app to enhance the productivity of your team. 

92% of people say they believe collaboration with their teammates could be improved.

best personal goal and task management software

Task management software enables users to share tasks, projects, and to-do lists with teammates while assigning tasks to individuals within the team. This fosters transparency, coordination, and accountability among team members. 

In Kroolo, you can create and optimize team dashboards that everyone can access. It serves as a KPI report where you can track the metrics and compare the actual with real-time and expected results based on charts, graphs, and KPI reports. You can share this report with your teammates working on the same project to improve the performance at par.

best desktop task management software

This makes communication easier, especially when you're working on a project with a mutual objective.

3. Deadline tracking

Every project and task comes with a deadline. So, whether you’re working on your dream project with your dream client or a small one–time project, you can’t miss deadlines. That’s where task management software comes into the picture.

best project management task software

Yes, deadline tracking is a must as it can cause serious consequences such as increased expenses or you might lose a valuable client.

This feature will let you manage, prioritize, and monitor the status of your tasks and upcoming deadlines from a single spot. It even sends you alerts and reminders to prevent tasks from slipping through the cracks while promoting time management. 

4. Resource management 

Gone are the days when businesses had to maintain every detail in Excel manually. Today, with digital transformation, you can have a long-term view of disruptive projects, prepare a list of tasks, and assign it dedicatedly just with a quick prompt. 

Top of that, the best part of this comprehensive digital twin is that companies can plan the tasks like a document that needs to be done and compare it with the costs involved before investing in any resources. This will empower freelancers to plan their commercial in context with their efforts (to be invested) and ensure sustainability throughout the entire process of project task management.

5. Automation and workflows 

Automation and workflow tools in the best task and project management software work based on trigger and action. So, when any user postulates any trigger in the software, like removing the tagged item and moving it to the ‘in review’ stage, an action will be performed when the trigger is achieved.

best task management software

In Kroolo, you can instruct the task management software to change the status of your task through AI and assign it to the manager for further approval. This saves your time and cut back on repetitive processes.

Thus, the power of the cumulative effect of sending review notifications to the manager several times over a day can save your amount, and that’ll trigger him faster than any email can do.

6. Task visualization tools 

Various personal goal and task management software tools go beyond basic in creating a list of tasks to complete and offer a unique set of visualization methods. Look for the best task management software where you can get unique visualization elements like -

  • Kanban Board for representing tasks as cards that move through different stages or columns. 
  • Gantt Chart where you can monitor the starting and closing dates of subtasks and track the dependency of subtasks on one another.
  • Mind Maps gives you a hierarchical structure for visually representing the tasks and their relationships.
  • Burn up and burn down charts to track the no. of tasks that are left to finish over time.

7. Recurring tasks 

Unlock the power of recurring tasks with your task management module. This lets you create a task and schedule it for multiple days for different purposes. Some tasks need to be repeated daily or weekly as a single task, which can at times, serve multiple projects like client communication, updating worksheets, preparing weekly reports, and conducting review meetings. 

Prepare a list of your tasks with respective timelines and get started with this recurring feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the benefits of using Task Management Software?

  • Visibility & Trust - The Team can review, update, and track their day-to-day tasks 
  • Gives Mental Bandwidth – No need to juggle between projects, tasks, and teams 
  • Improved Processes – Easy to identify bottlenecks & miscommunications

2. Is there a limit to the number of projects, users, and tasks I can create?

Our pricing plan is divided into 3 categories:

  • Startup: Free 
  • Plus: $15/ User / Month
  • Business: $25 / User / Month 

Click here to explore our full pricing

3. How do I choose task management software?

  • Make selection based on how your team likes to communicate & collaborate 
  • Know if it offers a demo or trial to test for the best fit
  • Look for room for flexibility in structuring projects into phases 

4. Who can use Task Management Software? 

Any individual team leader managers and project team members can use task management software to create and assign tasks to available team members. You can track your progress at every stage and encourage teammates to work in synergy and collaboratively.

5. How to Manage Tasks with Kroolo?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can organize your team and tasks together

  1. Import the task List or Start a New One
  2. Prioritize and create your parent task
  3. Add task description 
  4. Delegate the task 
  5. Switch to visual presentation to track & review 
  6. Set up Filters 
  7. Monitor and Analyze with the Dashboard
  8. Get Detailed Reports 

P.S. You can write a prompt to Kroo AI to get all these steps done in a jiffy!


best task management software


The Best Formula to 10X Your Team’s Productivity 

In a world full of productivity, your business demands discipline and dedication towards work.

So, if you are a solo founder or a part of a hustling and bustling company, empower your team with the absolute benefits of the best productivity tool. From creating tasks to setting deadlines and implementing visualization methods, equip your team with this powerful toolkit now!

P.S. Don’t get swayed by fancy features and task management system features (that you hardly use). Invest in the right task management software that aims for simple and easy management of tasks. 

Your goal is to make delegation, collaboration, communication, and analytics easier and simpler than ever, right?

Heavy-duty task management software has a steeper learning curve that may seem daunting for your team to gain hands-on experience. 

So, amid the sea of choices, choose Kroolo now. Because the simpler the better. 



Task Management
