Project management plan
Project Management

5 min read

Project Management Plan: What Every Project Manager Must Know


May 2024


Are you tired of facing project delays, budget overruns, and scope creep?

Well, one of the most common pain points in project management is the lack of a robust roadmap to guide the project from start to finish.

Without a clear plan in place, projects can quickly spiral out of control, leading to missed deadlines, wasted resources, and frustrated stakeholders.

But what if there was a solution—a blueprint that could help you navigate the complexities of project management with confidence and clarity?

Enter the Project Management Plan (PMP)—a comprehensive document that shows you how a project will be executed, monitored, and closed serving as a reference point for the project team and other stakeholders of the company.


What is a Project Management Plan?

A project management plan (PMP) is a comprehensive document that outlines how a project will be executed, monitored, controlled, and closed.

It serves as a roadmap for the project team, stakeholders, and other interested parties, detailing the approach, processes, methodologies, resources, and tools that will be used to manage the project throughout its lifecycle.


The Importance of a Project Management Plan

The project management planning (PMP) is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Clear direction: It provides a clear roadmap for the project, outlining the objectives, scope of work, and approach. This clarity helps keep everyone aligned and focused on achieving the project goals.
  2. Stakeholder alignment: The PMP helps align stakeholders by clearly communicating the project's objectives, deliverables, and timelines. This reduces misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  3. Risk management: By identifying potential risks and outlining mitigation strategies, the PMP helps minimize the impact of unforeseen events on the project's success. It enables proactive risk management, which is essential for avoiding costly delays and failures.
  4. Resource optimization: The PMP identifies the resources required for the project and how they will be allocated and managed. This helps ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively throughout the project lifecycle.
  5. Quality assurance: The PMP defines the quality standards and processes that will be used to ensure that project deliverables meet stakeholder expectations. This helps prevent defects and rework, saving time and resources in the long run.
  6. Communication: The PMP outlines communication channels, protocols, and frequency among project stakeholders. Clear and effective communication is essential for keeping everyone informed, resolving issues, and maintaining project momentum.
  7. Change management: The PMP defines how changes to the project scope, schedule, or budget will be evaluated, approved, and implemented. This helps minimize scope creep and ensures that changes are properly managed and controlled.
  8. Documentation: The PMP serves as a central repository of project information, including key decisions, assumptions, and constraints. This documentation is essential for audit purposes, knowledge transfer, and future reference.

Overall, planning in project management is like a foundational document that guides the project from initiation to closure. Its importance lies in providing structure, clarity, and control, which are essential for delivering successful projects on time and within budget.

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project management plan


6 Project Plan Best Practices To Follow

Project management plan

Here are six project plan best practices that every project manager must follow:-

1. Define clear objectives and scope

Clearly defining project objectives and scope is crucial for project success. Use SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure objectives are well-defined and achievable.

According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), 37% of projects fail due to undefined objectives and goals. A well-defined project scope helps prevent scope creep, which can lead to delays and cost overruns.

2. Engage stakeholders early and often

Engaging stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle is essential for gaining buy-in and ensuring project success.

Research by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) found that 32% of project failures are attributed to inadequate stakeholder involvement.

Regularly communicate with stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle to provide updates, gather feedback, and address concerns promptly.

3. Break down work into manageable tasks

Decompose the project into smaller, manageable tasks or work packages to facilitate planning, scheduling, and resource allocation.

Use a work breakdown structure (WBS) to organize and visualize the hierarchy of project tasks and deliverables.

4. Establish clear roles and responsibilities

Define roles and responsibilities for each project team member to ensure accountability and prevent confusion.

Clearly communicate expectations regarding tasks, deadlines, and deliverables to empower team members to perform effectively.

5. Develop a realistic schedule

Developing a realistic project schedule is critical for meeting deadlines and managing resources effectively. The Standish Group's CHAOS Report found that only 52% of projects finish on time.

By using scheduling tools and techniques such as critical path analysis, project managers can identify potential bottlenecks and allocate resources efficiently to minimize delays.

6. Monitor progress and adapt accordingly

Regularly monitor project performance against the baseline plan to identify variances, risks, and opportunities.

Implement a robust change management process to address changes promptly, assess their impact, and adjust the plan as needed to keep the project on track.

By following these best practices, project managers can increase the likelihood of project success by fostering clarity, alignment, efficiency, and adaptability throughout the project lifecycle.


How Do You Write a Project Plan With Kroolo?

Project management plan

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Creating a project plan with Kroolo is a streamlined process that empowers you to manage your projects with ease and efficiency. Here's how you can leverage Kroolo's features to craft a comprehensive project plan in six simple steps:

Step 1: Set up your workspace

Begin by setting up your workspace in Kroolo. Here, you can manage multiple projects seamlessly in one centralized location. Create your workspace and unleash your project power by customizing it to suit your team's needs.

Step 2: Organize your projects

Once your workspace is set up, it's time to organize your projects. With Kroolo's intuitive interface, you can create as many projects as you need and customize them according to your requirements. Utilize different views like List and Kanban to break tasks into manageable lists and track progress effortlessly.

Step 3: Utilize dashboards for overview

Take advantage of Kroolo's dashboard feature to gain a comprehensive overview of your projects. Bucket your projects into specific dashboards and arrange them within Workspaces for easy access. With simple dashboard views, you can monitor the overall project status and track progress with ease.

Step 4: Manage sprints effectively

For Agile teams, Kroolo offers powerful sprint management capabilities. Create and manage sprints directly within your project boards, defining backlogs and moving tasks across sprints seamlessly. With Kroolo, Agile teams of any size can streamline their sprint planning process and improve collaboration.

Step 5: Import project boards

Easily import project boards from your favorite apps, such as Trello, Jira, Linear, Asana, and Monday, into Kroolo. With Kroolo's integration and migration features, you can sync boards within seconds, ensuring a smooth transition and a quick start to your projects.

Step 6: Collaborate and iterate

With your projects organized and your plan in place, it's time to collaborate with your team and iterate as needed. Kroolo provides a collaborative environment where team members can communicate, share updates, and collaborate on tasks in real time. With Kroolo's robust project management features, you can stay agile, efficient, and focused on achieving project success.

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After creating your project management execution plan using Kroolo's intuitive features, enhance it further by utilizing our comprehensive project plan template.

This template is meticulously designed to cover every aspect of your project, guiding you through each phase and ensuring that all necessary elements are addressed for a thorough document.


project management plan


Create Your Project Management Plan with Kroolo

In summary, the Project Management Plan (PMP) is like a guidebook for project managers. It helps them understand what needs to be done and how to do it to make their projects successful.

Throughout this guide, we've shown why the PMP is so important and what it includes.

By using the PMP, project managers can avoid problems and lead their projects to success.

So, remember, the PMP isn't just a document—it's a tool that helps project managers do their jobs well.

Want to meticulously plan your project and take full control of it?

Sign up with Kroolo and organize all your tasks, resources and activities for a smoother team collaboration!


Project Management
