Goal Management
Goal Management

5 min read

What is Cascading Goal Management? (With CheatSheet)


Feb 2024


Do you ever wonder how those big dreams your company talks about actually translate into what you do every day?

Well, that's where cascading goals🎯 swoop in.

Goal Management

It's like the roadmap that connects the dots between the company's lofty visions 🛣and your daily grind.

So, here's the deal: despite the hype around goal-setting, did you know that only about 14% of employees really know what our company is aiming for​😦​​​​​​? Wild, right?

But it's not because companies aren't setting goals – in fact, about 65% have a strategy in place. But making that strategy work, requires execution. That's where the real challenge lies. Barely 10% of companies nail it.

So, how do we bridge that gap🌉 between strategy and execution? That's where effective goal management steps in. It's all about breaking down those big, daunting objectives into actionable steps that we can tackle daily.

With cascading goals, each team member gets their own slice of the pie🍕 – specific, measurable tasks that contribute to the larger company goals.

And the best part? When we're all on the same page, working towards the same objectives, magic happens.

Okay, so let’s discuss this in detail -:


What Are Cascading Goals?

Cascading goals are like a roadmap for success🎖.

Big company goals are broken into smaller ones for teams and individuals. It's about making sure everyone works together. The bosses set the main targets, and then each team and person gets specific tasks that fit into the big plan.

Communication is key here. Everyone needs to know their role and how it helps the overall goal. Regular check-ins help adjust the strategy if needed.

It's like playing on a team where everyone knows the game plan and works towards winning. And, that's how cascading goals keep everyone focused and moving in the right direction.


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4 Types of Cascading Goals

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  1. SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals provide a clear framework for setting and achieving objectives at various levels within an organization.
  2. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results): A goal-setting framework that outlines specific Objectives and the measurable Key Results associated with each objective. It's widely used in tech companies and startups.
  3. BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals): Coined by business authors Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, BHAGs are ambitious, long-term goals that stimulate progress and innovation. They are designed to inspire and guide an organization.
  4. V2MOMs (Vision, Values, Methods, Obstacles, and Measurements): Popularized by Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, V2MOMs is a comprehensive goal-setting approach that includes elements like vision, values, methods, obstacles, and measurements. It provides a holistic perspective for aligning organizational goals.

These frameworks offer diverse approaches to goal setting, allowing organizations to choose the one that best suits their needs and culture.


Examples of Cascading Goals

1. Financial performance

🎖 Top-level goal: Achieve a 20% increase in overall company revenue within the next fiscal year.

🎯 Departmental cascading goals

  • Marketing: Increase customer acquisition by 15% through targeted campaigns
  • Sales: Improve conversion rates by 10% through enhanced sales strategies
  • Operations: Reduce operational costs by 8% through process optimization

🤹 Individual employee goal

Sales representative: Secure a 25% increase in sales within their assigned territory through customer relationship building and effective sales techniques


2. Employee development and engagement

🎖 Top-level goal: Enhance overall employee satisfaction by 15% over the next year

🎯 Departmental cascading goals

  • Human resources: Implement training programs to increase skill development and employee engagement
  • Management: Foster a culture of open communication and recognition to improve team morale
  • Information technology: Enhance employee experience through the implementation of user-friendly technology solutions

🤹 Individual employee goal

Each employee sets a goal for skill development or participation in company initiatives contributing to a positive workplace culture


Examples of Cascading OKRs

1. Product development

🏆 Objective (Top-level): Launch a groundbreaking product in the next quarter

📍 Key results

  • Complete product development with no more than two delays in the timeline
  • Attain a customer satisfaction score of at least 4.5 out of 5 for the new product
  • Achieve a 25% increase in sales of the new product within the first month


2. Employee engagement

🏆  Objective (Top-level): Enhance employee engagement and satisfaction.

📍 Key results

  • Conduct training sessions for 100% of employees to foster skill development
  • Achieve a 20% increase in the participation rate in company-wide initiatives
  • Implement feedback mechanisms resulting in a 10% improvement in overall employee satisfaction

In the context of OKRs, the objectives are the overarching goals, and the key results are specific, measurable outcomes that determine the success of achieving those objectives.


3 Cascading Goal Pain Points

Here are three main cracks in the cascade. Let's have a closer look -:

goal management

1. Top-down cascading

Implementing a solely top-down approach to cascading goals can create disconnect and disengagement. When goals are dictated without input from lower levels, it can lead to a lack of ownership and commitment🤝.

Frontline employees may feel their insights are overlooked👀, hindering the collaborative spirit necessary for successful goal achievement.

2. Annual goal-setting rigidity

Restricting goal-setting👩‍⚖️ to an annual event can prove inflexible in dynamic business environments. This approach may impede adaptability to changing circumstances and hinder responsiveness to emerging opportunities.

Employees might find it challenging to stay motivated when goals become stale or lose relevance throughout the year.

3. Lost objectives

Goals "lost in translation" can arise from communication breakdowns, resulting in unclear expectations as goals cascade through different organizational levels.

This misalignment leads 🤔to inefficiencies and frustration, as teams may pursue conflicting priorities or invest effort in tasks that don't effectively contribute to overarching objectives.

Establishing robust communication channels is crucial for ensuring the precise interpretation and execution of goals across all organizational tiers.


How to Set Cascading Goals for Your Team in 2024

Here's a quick guide on how to set cascading goals for your teams like a pro -:

1. Don’t do it without a tool 

Setting goals without the right tech is a missed opportunity. Spreadsheets can't cut it when you need to visualize and track progress effectively.

Enter Kroolo Goals – your all-in-one solution. Whether it's for you, a colleague, or your team, managing goals and OKRs has never been simpler.

With just a few clicks, track key results seamlessly in a dashboard.

Save hours and monitor multiple goals, including parent or sub-goals, in a single, easy-to-use dashboard in both Tile and List views.


2. Review your company mission & vision

Hey, did you know less than half of US employees actually know what our company stands for? Wild, right? Before diving into goals, let's make sure everyone's on the same page about the "Why" of our organization.

Once that's crystal clear, cue in Kroolo Goals – a game-changer. It's your all-in-one solution for managing, monitoring, and smashing those goals. From SMART Goals to KPIs and OKRs, it's got you covered.

It's like having a goal-setting wizard! Start big with company goals, then dive into team and individual ones. Kroolo organizes them neatly, tracks progress with cool charts, and even lets everyone chip in. It's goal-setting made easy and, dare I say, fun! 🚀✨


3. Establishing top-level quarterly goals

Establishing top-level quarterly goals is crucial for organizational success. Once there is a shared understanding among all members, it's imperative to articulate executive-level goals for the quarter.

Leaders should regularly identify strategic objectives and outcomes, with the leadership team defining both the strategic vision and key results for themselves and their respective teams.

Subsequently, the organization can develop cascading goals that align with the broader vision. These goals must adhere to the following principles:-

✅ SMART: Utilize the SMART framework—ensure goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This approach aids in expressing goals clearly and facilitates understanding across the organization.

✅ Limited: Restrict top-level goals to a manageable three to five. This prevents overwhelming the organization, avoids confusion, and allows employees to maintain focused efforts without spreading too thin.

✅ Realistic but optimistic: Ground goals in reality while maintaining a level of ambition. Research indicates that motivating goals strike a balance between being ambitious and achievable. Unrealistic goals may lead to discouragement, while overly easy goals can result in boredom or underperformance.

By adhering to these principles, organizations can set clear, motivating, and achievable top-level quarterly goals that drive success and maintain employee engagement.Top of Form


4. Set individual and team goals

Set individual and team goals aligned with the company's main goal and quarterly targets. Ensure every team member has a voice in goal selection.

Use Kroolo's task management for seamless task handling – create, organize, and view tasks effortlessly in List, Kanban, or Calendar formats.

With advanced AI tools, filter and sort tasks with ease. Switch views based on Due date, Priority, Status, Assignee, Tags, and more.

Save customized views as templates for efficiency. Keep projects connected to the main goal for streamlined progress. Kroolo empowers task management, making it simple and efficient for all.


5. Cross-check goals top to bottom 

After setting goals for each individual, team, and the entire company, it's crucial to verify alignment with your strategic plan. Start from the ground up, reviewing personal, team, and project management goals, moving up to the highest company levels.

Make a note of any goals that deviate from your business strategy or highlight areas needing improvement. It's essential to present the goals plan to management and key stakeholders for a thorough review.

This ensures that the established goals are not only aligned with the strategic vision but also receive valuable insights and input from key decision-makers.


6. Keep your goals accessible

Regularly review progress, update as necessary, and ensure alignment with the strategic plan. Kroolo's Kanban view simplifies this process, allowing you to track and adapt goals seamlessly.

This tool allows you to visualize tasks, assess their status, and adapt strategies seamlessly. Embrace a continuous improvement mindset, making adjustments as necessary to keep aligned with your strategic objectives.

Remember, the key to success lies not only in setting goals but in consistently reviewing and adapting them to drive continuous progress.


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Set Goals and Manage them Smarter with Kroolo

To sum up, cascading goal management is like the ultimate team playbook, where everyone—from individuals to the big shots—aligns their goals for a common win.

With tools like Kroolo, collaboration becomes a breeze🍸, making the whole process efficient and, dare I say, kinda fun.

Set those SMART goals, keep them in sync with the company's big plan🤩, and don't forget to give them a regular check-up.

It's not just about setting goals; it's about ongoing reviewing, tweaking and improving to drive continuous progress.

Sign up with Kroolo today and witness the game-changing power of collaborative goal-setting!



Goal Management