
Effortlessly Import Data from Smartsheet to Kroolo

With Kroolo’s Smartsheet integration, you can easily bring your Smartsheet data into Kroolo, saving time and enhancing project management. Manage your tasks, sheets, and project details seamlessly in one place, boosting team productivity and collaboration.


Importable Entities

  • starEntitiesImageSheets and Rows
  • starEntitiesImageAttachments and URLs associated with Smartsheet projects
  • starEntitiesImageCustom Fields and Tags
  • starEntitiesImageDue Dates and Descriptions
  • comparison-image

    Integration Access Roles


    Org Admin

    Steps to Integrate SmartSheet With Kroolo:

    • 1
      Log into KrooloGo to your Kroolo account and navigate to the ‘Integrations’ section.
    • 2
      Select SmartsheetChoose Smartsheet from the list of integration options.
    • 3
      Connect Your Smartsheet AccountSign in to your Smartsheet account and authorize Kroolo to access your data.
    • 4
      Choose What to ImportSelect the Smartsheet sheets and rows you want to bring into Kroolo, and pick the project you want to integrate.
    • 5
      Sync Your DataClick ‘Sync,’ and your Smartsheet data will be imported into Kroolo, ready for use.

    Why Integrate SmartSheet with Kroolo?


    Save Time

    Streamline your workflows by importing your Smartsheet data directly into Kroolo in just a few clicks.


    Centralized Control

    Keep all your project details in one place for easy access and management.


    Effortless Setup

    Integrating Smartsheet with Kroolo is quick and straightforward, requiring minimal effort.


    Seamless Task Management

    Track all your Smartsheet tasks, due dates, and attachments within Kroolo without losing any critical information.


    Boost Team Productivity

    Focus on getting things done, not switching between tools and managing multiple platforms.

    Start your integration now and take your project management to the next level with Smartsheet and Kroolo!


    Ready to supercharged for productivity?

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