KPI V/S Metrics
Goal Management

6 min read

Strategic Guide: KPIs vs Metrics in Goal Management


Feb 2024


Which is the most important player when it comes to goal setting?

KPIs or Metrics? 🎯

Are they the same words or do each have a special job to reach those goals🚩?

Think of KPIs as the 'guide stars' - Focused, Strategic, and Leading to your goals. And, Metrics, are like the big picture, providing background and detail to your improvement.

So, in this goal-setting scenario, who is the leader?

Can KPIs give you real insights into your goal objective or can metrics lead you toward goal accomplishment? Who's the clear winner? 🏆

Well, it's not just about counting; about knowing how a goal management software tool can help you set the right objective and provide you with closer insight into the details of KPIs and Metrics.

Okay, so let's talk clearly about how KPIs and Metrics help in your goal-setting journey complemented with the right software -:


goal management software tool

What are KPIs?

In goal management software, KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are vital measures that tell you how far an organizational goal has come. These indicators can vary depending on the nature of the goals and the organization but generally revolve around specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound criteria.

So, in goal management software, some common KPIs might include -:

1. Goal progress: Tracking the % of goal completion within a given time frame 

2. Completion rates: Count how many goals are reached compared to the total number set🔢

3. Timeline adherence: Evaluating if goals are met within the designated deadlines 

4. Performance metrics: Important numbers linked to the goals, like sales targets, customer acquisition rate, and productivity measures

5. Feedback and engagement: Numbers that show how involved teams are in setting goals, like participation rates, satisfaction scores, and feedback received


What are Metrics?

In goal-setting software, metrics are quantifiable measures used to check how close you are to reaching certain goals.

These numbers give details on how your business is performing, assess performance, measure success, and find room for improvement.

Goals or objectives can have different measurements depending on the nature of goals, how the objectives are being tracked, and some financial metrics like customer satisfaction scores or production output, or even individual performance metrics such as sales quotas or task completion rates.

While setting your goal, consider these metrics to make informed business decisions -:

  • Define objectives and metrics
  • Set measurable targets
  • Monitor real-time progress
  • Receive visual reports
  • Adjust to stay aligned with objectives 


KPIs V/S Metrics: Are Both Same or Different? 

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and metrics are synonymous but they're used for different purposes and it's important to get them right. 

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and metrics

➡ Metrics are quantifiable measures used to gauge performance in different areas. You can track email open rates, site traffic, and revenue generated🤑On the other hand, KPIs keep you focused 🕵️‍♂️and quickly tell you what's working and what's not. You need to have a higher perspective to measure progress towards key business goals.  

➡ KPIs are key measures that are directly linked to big plans or targets. For example, in sales💰, you can track how many phone calls📲 have been made and no. of leads generated. Such calculation of sales revenue presents your KPI and that directly reflects the success of the sales team.


So, all ⏹squares are rectangles🔲. But not all rectangles are square. KPIs and Metrics are just like that. All KPIs are metrics but not all metrics are KPIs. 


KPIs V/S Metrics Examples 

Here are examples of KPIs and Metrics for various departments -:

Scenario: A group that handles marketing is rolling out a new item and needs to check how well it's doing using key measures and numbers.


  • Conversion rate: The group creates a KPI to track the no. of website visitors who buy something after seeing the product page. This KPI matches the main goal of sales conversion.
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC): One more measurement considers the price to get a new customer to buy the new product. This KPI is used to judge how well marketing campaigns and money spent work.


  • Website traffic: If you watch how many people visit the product page, then you can measure how interested they are and if your marketing is good at getting people.
  • Social media engagement: Keeping an eye on likes, shares, and comments about a new product that gives information on how people feel. 

Scenario execution

  • Measurement: The marketing team uses tools to check website visits. After running ads for the new product, they notice more people going to that page📟.
  • Analysis: They see that many people who came from a special social media promotion turned into buyers. This shows the campaign was doing well to get new customers.
  • Adjustment: They found out from the CAC data, that one marketing channel is getting customers at a bigger price. They decide to move their budget to the cheaper ways that still work.
  • Improvement: The group pays attention to how people interact with their social media content. They focus on making it more fun and getting others to take part. This helps keep interest high and keeps talking with customers going.

In this situation, the KPIs (how many sales happen and the cost of getting customers) show two main goals -

1️⃣ Increasing sales

2️⃣ Checking how well you spend money.

 The numbers (Website visitors and Social Media activity) give a wider look at how well the team is doing always improving their marketing strategies for launching a new product or service.


6 Tips for Tracking KPIs and Metrics 

1. Defining clear business objectives

Setting realistic business goals helps you to make effective measures and checkpoints. Therefore, set clear, reachable goals that match up with your business dream. Divide these goals into smaller, easy-to-handle steps that can be watched and measured. Clear goals are important for growing money, getting more customers, or making services better.

2. Selecting relevant KPIs

Pick KPIs that directly impact or show improvement for your set business goals. For example, if you want to increase money coming in, think about watching things like how many items sold or the amount it costs to get new customers. Make sure these KPIs can be measured, important for your business, and needed to see how good you are in your field.

3. Focusing on key metrics

Even though KPIs show where you're going, pay attention to a few important numbers that help these KPIs. Make these measures easy, exact, and in line with your business targets. In other words, if making customers happy is very important, you should measure things like how they feel, how long they stay with you, or how fast your team answers their questions.

4. Utilizing accessible tracking tools

Kroolo offers an accessible and efficient solution for small-scale entrepreneurs and gig workers to measure and track their KPIs and metrics seamlessly. With this platform, users can align their goals by defining key measures or results for each objective, simplifying the tracking process. The software supports various metric options, including numbers, currency, percentages, and more, ensuring flexibility in monitoring goal progress effectively.

goal management software

Through a streamlined dashboard, Kroolo provides a visual representation of key results, making it user-friendly and enabling individuals to track their performance with just a few clicks. As one of the best OKR management software choices available, Kroolo facilitates goal tracking, analysis, and visualization, serving as a valuable tool for those seeking efficient and accessible means to manage their objectives and metrics.

5. Regular review and adaptation

Set up routine checkpoints to look at how well you're doing with the KPIs and measures you set. Study trends, patterns, and differences to get useful knowledge that can be used. Keep adaptable and ready to change your numbers or plans based on new ideas, market shifts, or upcoming changes.

6. Emphasizing customer-centric metrics

Make sure measurements focus on making customers happy, getting their input, and keeping them involved. Small businesses need to know what customers like and how they act. Keep an eye on numbers that show how customers feel. Use this information to make things better and increase overall happiness.


By doing these steps and thinking about the main parts, side workers and small-time business owners can properly make, measure, and change their measures of success. This will help them grow in business as well as find success.


KPIs V/S Metric: The Final Showdown 

In the showdown of KPIs vs Metrics, we’ve uncovered their unique roles: KPIs, which are goal-oriented winners, and measurements, which tell the wider performance story. They're not enemies, but they help to get success together. Using the guidance of KPIs and the complete view from metrics is crucial for achieving goals.

Knowing how they work together helps them make good choices and measure success. Join Kroolo - a big change in tracking goals. It makes it easy to measure and see KPIs and numbers, giving a simple board for reaching goals.

So, whether you're moving toward goals or seeing how far you have come, working together with KPIs and metrics using Kroolo's help becomes your way to win in chasing success!

Sign up now!



Goal Management

Goal Tracking