Goal Setting Software for OKRs
Goal Management

4 min read

Master OKRs with 20+ FREE Templates for Goal Setting in 2024


Jan 2024


Hey there, Gig Warriors!

Are you ready to take your game to the next level?

But, before you need to set your goal and note down your key objectives and expected results. It’s all about applying the OKRs concept in gig work where one has to set goals that they can achieve. According to Datalligence, OKRs can improve the ROI by 10 to 15% when you’ve alignment and priorities clearly defined.

If you’re a genius in designing, an expert in coding, or even a consultant, creating effective OKRs can be the secret behind your success. And guess what? In 2024, we have got your ultimate playbook!

In this article, we’re giving you a feast of about 20+ examples of OKRs across different gig worker types. Let us turn your casual freelancing gig into a symphony of success by setting effective and SMART OKRs and marking the milestones.

P.S. Make sure you invest in the right goal management software to implement your OKR strategy. 


What is OKR?

OKR, aka Objective & Key result, is a collaborative goal-setting approach that helps businesses execute and achieve their desired results.

You can use smart goal management software for preparing OKRs for setting your quarterly, biannual, or annual goals depending on the needs of your business and what your team agrees upon.

Importantly, remote workers and gig workers use this framework for goal setting as it encourages efficient workflow, streamlines, enables transparent communication and aligns the team with shared company objectives.


5 Key Elements of OKRs

In an interview with Harvard Business Review, VC John Doerr revealed that there are superheroes of OKRs. They are spelled out as the acronym “F.A.C.T.S.” Let's understand in detail -:

superheroes of OKR - kroolo

1. Focus

The use of key results or OKRs helps you to focus on what is essential and should be given much attention. This provides direction to teams or individuals to focus only on what should matter and help everyone achieve their common targets. This enables you to concentrate on tasks and initiatives since there are no other distractions hence increasing your productivity levels. 

2. Alignment

Following that, the critical stage of lining up company plans and actions with the overall vision is achieved once top-line objectives are set. These objectives are linked to the daily activities of managers and contributors.

This aligns all the team members’ activities to promote teamwork and a unified effort towards common objectives. The Harvard Business Review says that when employees of organizations align themselves to their operations, the same organizations may end up performing at the optimal level.

3. Commitment

Commitment comes after focus and alignment. Once you and your team have agreed on OKRs, plan your resources and schedules to ensure that they will be delivered as discussed. Keep tracking this commitment to check if any possibility of variance.

Ensure that every team member involved in setting OKRs must keep others posted by using the best goal management software. Also, their progress toward OKRs should be visible to all, promoting transparency regarding each person and group’s contributions.

4. Tracking

The crux of OKRs is traceability from output to outcome. Metrics, which ought to have been established while setting the goals, should be used to measure each of the OKRs. However, daily tracking might not be needed but regular check-ins every week.

This will ensure that goal slippage does not occur. Such regular check-ups keep them on track and allow for continuous assessments with needed corrections.

5. Stretching

OKRs push organizations to stretch their boundaries and dream big. These leaders motivate teams towards setting goals that are unreachable unless through hard work. The so-called “stretch goals” championed by some leading personalities in the industry like Larry Page of Google stimulate creative thinking and cause breakthroughs, forcing organizations to set unprecedented targets.

All these make up the strength of OKRs in ensuring corporate success, alignment of activities, building on accountability, and promoting a culture of engagement and openness.


Different Types of OKRs

Different types of OKRs fit different organizations and circumstances. Let's discuss the main bifurcation of OKRs -:

Different Types of OKRs - kroolo

1. Company wide OKRs

Those are strategic goals that supersede the corporate purpose and direction of the company.

They outline the long-term direction and major objectives that guide all areas of the firm. All employees need to be unitedly headed in the same direction and they should do so to reach common objectives to bring prosperity to your company.

2. Team level OKRs

Team-level OKRs may also be for the individual departments, or teams within each department that align to the overall objectives of the business.

The team’s OKRs are more departmentalized and contribute towards the overall organizational objectives. These ensure that the efforts of all teams are coordinated towards a specific purpose which ultimately leads towards a common goal.

3. Individual OKRs

Individually, workers are empowered to stipulate their own objectives or key results (OKRs) that match the targets of the team and the organization as well. These are individualized and kept in detail like - what each individual must accomplish in order to participate in team and company goals.

Thus, OKRs are perfectly fitted like an alignment mechanism between individual growth and development and organizational goals, instilling accountability and involvement of each team member in the quest for success.


20+ Free OKRs Templates for Setting a SMART Goal

1. Designers

Objective: Enhance creative impact

  • Key result 1: By Q1 end, formulate and approve five (5) new design ideas for client presentations.
  • Key result 2: To improve the feedback by clients on design quality by 20%.

Objective: Expand skill set

  • Key result 1: Accumulate two complex design courses or certifications within half a year.
  • Key result 2: Demonstrate creative new design elements in three client projects.


2. Developers

Objective: Optimize code efficiency

  • Key result 1: Improve app performance and loading speed by 30% by year’s end via code optimization.
  • Key result 2: Fix 90% of reported bugs in 24 hours to improve user experience.

Objective: Enhance productivity

  • Key result 1: By the end of Q3, automate at least five repetitive development tasks.
  • Key result 2: Contribute in an active format to open-source projects in order to increase code commits by 75% every week.


3. Consultants

Objective: Expand client portfolio

  • Key result 1: Obtain three additional high-value clients in the first quarter.
  • Key result 2: Achieve an additional 40% increment in income from existing customer consultations.

Objective: Thought leadership

  • Key result 1: Develop four publications of industry trends and insights in reputable media sources by the end of Q2.
  • Key result 2: Secure keynote speaking positions at two leading industry conferences this year.


4. General gig workers

Objective: Enhance time management

  • Key result 1: Adopt time-tracking tools and ensure that average per project time accuracy is above 90%.
  • Key result 2: Cut non-value-adding time spent on administrative works by 15%.

Objective: Improve client communication

  • Key result 1: Satisfy at least 95% of customers on communication ratings according to feedback surveys.
  • Key result 2: Do half-yearly reviews with clients ensuring they are on the right track and promptly address any concerns raised.


5. Financial consultants

Objective: Increase client portfolio value

  • Key result 1: Grow assets under management (AUM) by 25% within the fiscal year.
  • Key result 2: Achieve a 20% increase in client referrals through exceptional service.

Objective: Enhance financial education outreach

  • Key result 1: Conduct bi-monthly financial literacy workshops with a minimum attendance of 30 participants.
  • Key result 2: Publish a series of educational articles on personal finance topics in reputable finance magazines.


6. Fitness and wellness coaches

Objective: Expand client base

  • Key result 1: Acquire 50 new clients through targeted marketing campaigns within six months.
  • Key result 2: Maintain a client retention rate of 80% through personalized coaching programs.

Objective: Personal development and expertise

  • Key result 1: Obtain an advanced certification in a specialized fitness area within the year.
  • Key result 2: Host quarterly webinars or seminars on wellness and fitness topics, reaching a minimum of 100 attendees per session.


7. Event planners

Objective: Enhance event success rate

  • Key result 1: Execute 15 events with a client satisfaction rating of 90% or above in the next fiscal year.
  • Key result 2: Achieve a 30% increase in revenue from event planning services compared to the previous year.

Objective: Strengthen vendor relationships

  • Key result 1: Secure partnerships with three new high-profile vendors within six months.
  • Key result 2: Negotiate vendor contracts resulting in a 15% reduction in event expenses.


8. Marketing specialists

Objective: Boost brand visibility

  • Key result 1: Curating content and interactive campaigns to an increase in social media engagement by 40%.
  • Key result 2: Attract a 25% increase in organic site traffic over six months.

Objective: Enhance campaign effectiveness

  • Key result 1: Increase conversions by 15% of the targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Key result 2: Email marketing improvement by 20% through A/B testing.


9. Writers/Copywriters

Objective: Elevate content quality

  • Key result 1: I want to write and publish 20 high-quality researched articles with SEO optimization in a single year.
  • Key result 2: Keep readability score above 70 on all published content on all the platforms.

Objective: Expand portfolio

  • Key result 1: To write a secure contract with three new reputable clients in the first quarter.
  • Key result 2: Freelance increased their earning by 30% by diversifying writing services.


10. Virtual assistants

Objective: Enhance task efficiency

  • Key result 1: Complete 95% of tasks assigned to one in the given deadlines.
  • Key result 2: Automate time-saving for common administrative procedures with a 20% completion time decrease.

Objective: Improve client satisfaction

  • Key result 1: Keep a client satisfaction rating of 90%+ based on feedback surveys.
  • Key result 2: Initiate monthly performance review meet-ups.


11. Photographers / Videographers

Objective: Expand client base

  • Key result 1: Acquire three major clients by 3rd quarter.
  • Key result 2: Client testimonials and active social media engagement could increase referrals by 50%.

Objective: Enhance portfolio quality

  • Key result 1: Create and publish each photo/video set for a new style or technique on the first of every month.
  • Key result 2: Present new works and increase engagement on portfolio.


Set Your OKRs with Smart Goal Management Tool

For sure, goal setting is worth trying. It’s a powerful way to craft the mission and vision of your business in alignment with your expected results. Apparently, a roster of companies like Google, Adobe, and Netflix have already implemented the OKRs approach to attract astounding success to their company.

Truly, OKRs can be a game changer if you leverage the best goal management software for your business.

With Kroolo, you can create personal and team goals and define measures or key results for each goal objective. Importantly, you can track multiple goals in one dashboard in list and tile view.

Save your productive hours and sign up with Kroolo to set measurable targets for your team.


Goal Management

Goal Tracking