10 Features Your Document Management System Needs
Document Management

4 min read

10 Features Your Document Management System Needs in 2024


Nov 2023


Welcome to the digital age of unending information!

In a world where data is the new currency, meticulous handling of documents is no longer a luxury but strategically important. Whether you are a freelancer, a startup, or a small-scale entrepreneur, the need for secure cloud-based document management software has never been more necessary.

But hold on not all DMS providers are the same! Selecting the ideal DMS Software can be quite a challenging task. Can you picture the satisfaction of using a DMS that keeps your documents in order and unleashes them to the fullest?

This is where our journey begins: the 10 must-have features that your project document management software needs to step up your document-processing game.


10 Features of Document Management Software for 2024

Presenting you the document management system features list to amp up your project management and documentation process with smart solutions -: 

1. Permissions

This is one of the most important document management software features you must consider. With a large team, keeping a social community engaged is challenging. Permissions are your friends — they allow you to define who can permanently delete or change files, who can access certain spaces, and keep conversations going. 

The top document management systems let administrators define permissions per employee — which helps to safeguard sensitive information by making it impossible for employees to edit documents while implementing an organizational structure.

2. Document libraries 

Document library is another great feature. A document library is a place where all documents are stored. It makes it possible to create a shared space for everyone to read, write, and manage documents. With this one of the best document management system features, you can create document types, records portals, or even an intranet (whichever fits your organization). 

3. Easier document retrieval

Finding and accessing files can be very time-consuming—as the old saying goes, time is money. A recent study suggests the average office worker wastes 30–40% of their day looking for papers. The costs of organizations for filing a document can run up to $20, finding a lost document can cost $120, and reproducing a lost document costs 220$. Wasteful document management expenses bind the company’s budget, reduce productivity, and hinder development.

Document management systems are powerful and time-saving tools. It provides easier integration with business applications, which then makes vital data accessible. This way, you can also access documents remotely using DMS. In Kroolo, you can personalize your doc the way you feel like for quick identification and retrieval.

4. Better collaboration

The new document management system greatly simplifies the ability for quick access to content and collaboration. The documents are coming from various sources and can be available from multiple locations. This allows document sharing over a network via email or the internet via electronic imaging.

5. Better backup and disaster recovery

One of the key features of a records management system is backup and disaster recovery provisions for important and sensitive data. Documents on paper are secured against fire, floods, and all those other catastrophes because the paper has been backed up by digital archiving. A DMS enables documents to be traced by several criteria. Such document tracking options make it less likely that you or anyone else will lose track of documents after they’re viewed.

6. Cloud access

Do you have cloud access nowadays? Employees should be able to retrieve, upload, and download the document at any point in time from any location. Therefore, the document management software should be cloud-enabled. 

Before deciding on a document management software, ask for the document storage view, what are the possibilities of having cloud and on-premise storage, and how much the updates are released. The beauty of a document management system is that it provides employees the flexibility to retrieve documents and work from anywhere. 

7. Intelligent organization 

And managing documents in multiple places or different programs is hard. It’s time-consuming, really consuming out of your working day. The bigger a company is or the more it is changing organizationally, the greater the number of documents (and, as a consequence, the data) to sort. One of the key elements within a document management system is the establishment of an organizational hierarchy.

In Kroolo, you can create 3 levels of nested docs with a single click and organize the doc structure as per your requirements. Add a personalized touch to your document with a specific icon and label to work smarter, not harder. 


8. An attractive user interface

Document management software will be used day in and day out. Therefore, the software should be user-friendly and have a good UI. What you and your team will experience when you log in is the user interface. It must be able to inspire your employees and link them with the data they need. If the document management software is hard to navigate, it will lower your productivity. So, it will be of no worth at all.

9. Robust search function

When you are dealing with myriads of key documents in real time, you must be able to locate what you need and not spend too much time doing it. But a Nintex analysis from earlier this year found that 49 percent of employees in a cross-industry sample struggled to locate documents. That’s why a Document Management System needs to have good search capabilities.

You should be able to easily retrieve any document based on relevant metadata such as the invoice number, vendor name, date, etc. Some programs offer tagging capacity, which enables you to categorize and tag documents, including — invoices, contract and makes it easier for you to quickly find all documents.

10. Version control

For modern businesses seeking more efficient ways of working, version control via a document management system is priceless. It lets groups use multiple different copies of the same artifact, which helps make it easier to collaborate and ensure that everyone’s always editing the latest version; the benefit of which is that users can follow different versions of documents, revert if they need to revert, and have conflicts (in modifications).


The Final Words

Document Management Software is not just a solution but a strategic investment in your projects that aligns every piece of information and streamlines your workflow among the team without the utmost ease.

There is no hard and fast rule. Your unique objectives and goals are extremely important for choosing the right DMS for your organization. As such, conducting proper requirements gathering and comparing solutions is critical to finding the best for your needs. With a world shifting towards digitization at an extremely fast pace, adopting appropriate document management solutions is no longer an option; it is necessary to be competitive and keep things operationally effective.

So yes, you need them, but is it now not when you implement them (which streamline your document management processes) and get your organization on the map? Want to get started with Document Management Software?

Sign up with Kroolo for free and explore the best of all DMS software features to generate the best results.



Document Management