Agile task release planning
Task Management

5 min read

Agile Release Planning Made Easy: Unlocking the Potential of Incremental Task Releases


Jan 2024


According to Zippia, agile projects have a 64% success rate and at least 71% of U.S. companies are now using agile methodology to deliver incremental value to their business. 

But why so?

Agile workflows contribute significantly to delivering delightful customer experience by deploying products in an incremental flow. This approach lets you quickly adapt to the needs and demands of stakeholders and customer requirements by following a well-defined structured development process. Let’s understand this in detail with a detailed guide -:

16 Amazing Agile Statistics [2023]: What Companies Use Agile Methodology -  Zippia



What is Agile Release Planning?

Agile release planning is a strategic technique that helps teams get their work organized into manageable and efficient pieces. Moreover, understanding agile release planning can be a revelation for freelancers and gig workers in how they approach and handle their projects.

Take, for example, yourself as a freelancer or gig worker. You work on several projects at once with different tasks and deadlines. So, agile release planning can be your secret weapon to bring order out of this chaos. This way, you can tackle your tasks at a time and be more focused to meet deadlines better, and stay flexible when things change. 

Furthermore, agile release planning emphasizes client communication frequently, creating a team atmosphere. So, more than just doing the work, it's about making sure what you deliver meets clients changing needs and expectations. And, with such flexibility and client focus, you can stand out as a freelancer or gig worker, building loyalty for your work and overall organization. 


How Does Agile Release Planning Work?

Agile release planning divides the process box by box so that everything goes smoothly. Here's how it typically works in key phases -:

Agile Release Planning Work

  • Plan: Set tasks in priority, set release goals, and estimate effort
  • Design: Create architecture, UI/UX, and prototypes
  • Develop: Split tasks, code, and integrate changes
  • Test: Automated and manual testing. Bug fixes
  • Deploy: Release, plan deployment, and deploy
  • Review: Evaluate features, and gather feedback
  • Launch: Post-launch monitoring, go-live, and final checks

In this entire process, agile methodologies emphasize flexibility and adaptability. Teams are encouraged to adjust according to feedback and changing requirements. Through iterative cycles, each step is improved upon, so that the final product meets the requirements of users.


How Agile Release Planning can Benefit your Business?

The agile approach gives the right direction to work with your team in synergy and helps them understand the expectations and plan with a common perspective. See how it can benefit your business -: 

1. Continuous communication and collaboration

Encourage open communication among team members, stakeholders, and clients during the planning process. Stimulate cooperation to make sure everybody knows what the objective of this project is, its priorities, and everyone's role within each release cycle. On-going discussions help calibrate expectations, anticipate problems, and create a feeling of belonging.

2. Incremental delivery of value

Apply the agile idea of value-added incrementally. Break up plan releases into manageable portions, delivering functional units of work at each cycle. Rank features based on their worth. The advantage of this approach is that you get quick feedback, adapt to changing requirements, and always provide tangible benefits.

3. Flexibility and adaptability

Agile release planning depends on adaptability. 'Bring it to Change' is the constant. You've got to be able to change plans according to new priorities, new information, or even a roadblock that nobody could have expected. To avoid losing sight of overall project objectives while adapting to changing requirements, build in some flexibility into the plan.

4. Regular review and retrospectives

At the end of each release cycle, conduct review sessions regularly to examine delivered increments. Solicit opinions from stakeholders and end-users on whether objectives were achieved and what improvements can be made. Also, conduct retrospectives within the team to reflect on what went good and which aspects should be improved in the preparation process.

5. Empowerment and trust

Give your team the autonomy to make decisions within the scope of their roles. Put confidence in their competence, and foster a spirit of experimentation and learning. If team members feel empowered, they are more willing to assume responsibility for their tasks and make creative contributions to the planning and execution process.

So, what's your rescue button? 

Agile Methodology or Traditional Approach?

Agile Methodology or Traditional Approach


5 Best Practices for Agile Release Planning

Agile release planning delivers value incrementally so that even when the unexpected happens (as it always seems to in freelancing!) you're able to change along the way without creating major upheavals. Let’s explore 5 best practices below -:

1. Define objectives

First, get a clear grasp of the overall goals of the project. These objectives must guide your entire release plan. In this step, you talk with stakeholders, clients, or team members to make sure everyone is on the same page about what needs to be accomplished during each release cycle. So, start with creating SMART goals and have one overall release goal. Make sure you divide this goal into smaller sprint goals.

Goal: Enhancing Payment Options and Security Measures

Description: Improve payment flexibility and security procedures to make wider choice of payment methods available for users, and strive to ensure secure transactions.

The following are the sprint goals for the main goal -:

1. Sprint Goal 1 (for a two-week sprint): Implement two-factor authentication (2FA)

  • Description: A two-factor authentication system to strengthen account security.

2Sprint Goal 2 (for a two-week sprint): A payment gateway for digital wallets

  • Description: Include widely-used digital wallets like PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay in the platform's payment system to give users better and more convenient ways of paying.

3. Sprint Goal 3 (for a two-week sprint): Enhance payment error handling

  • Description: Adjust error handling mechanisms during payment networks to provide less ambiguous error messages, quickly resolve issues that appear, and ensure a smoother flow of money for the users. Importantly, the rate at which transactions fail should be reduced.

Agile Release Planning -Goal

These sprint goals are consistent with the overall objective of increasing payment methods and security mechanisms. Each sprint objective deals with a concrete improvement within the two-week sprint itself. As a result, payments on the platform are more secure and convenient for users.

2. Prioritize features

After defining the project goals, divide up the work into smaller tasks or smaller features (user stories). Then organize them in order of importance for accomplishing the project objectives. Think of everything from customer needs and market demands to technical dependencies to decide the sequence in which these features are addressed.

Make sure to refine your product backlog based on specific user stories and your release goal and identify loopholes to prevent any delays and bottlenecks. 

3. Estimate effort and capacity

Estimate the effort for each feature or user story. The estimation should be based on story points, time-based estimates, or other appropriate measurements. At the same time, evaluate your team's capacity and abilities to determine what can be done within the timeframes set.

This step balances ambition and practicality and gives you an estimate of how many tasks you can complete in a single sprint.

4. Create release increments

Organize the prioritized and estimated features into contiguous increments or iterations. However, each increment should be a functional unit of work that adds to the value of the project. These increments are the basis of your releases. You deliver value in pieces, but still keep the project moving forward. 

For example, say a marketing team is assigned the job of running a new campaign in which there needs to be all kinds of content--blog posts, social media graphics, videos, and email newsletters.

  • Backlog estimation: Based on the estimated priority of each content item, the team estimates that this entire campaign requires 100 units of work (often referred to as 100 content points).
  • Sprint capacity: Going by history, the team finishes 20 content units per sprint (or 20 "content points" per sprint).
  • Sprint planning: However, with a backlog estimate of 100 content points, and the team's ability to deliver about 20 content points per sprint, it turns out that to complete an entire campaign's worth of backlog they'll need five sprints.

P.S.: Note that you'll always have to modify your plan to accommodate improvements or last-minute changes.

5. Establish timelines and milestones

For each release increment, set specific timelines. These timelines should be realistic and attainable within the capacities and constraints identified earlier. Furthermore, set up milestones that act as checkpoints for monitoring progress and making sure the project remains on track with its objectives. These milestones serve as landmarks, indicating how far we have advanced and what changes are required.


Leverage Agile Release Planning with Kroolo’s Suite of Productivity 

Combining Agile release planning concepts with the Kroolo all-in-one productivity management software can completely transform how freelancers and gig workers organize their workflows and handle projects. Let’s discuss this in detail -:

1. Structured project organization

Kroolo's complete interface is a comprehensive, centralized platform that allows freelancers and gig workers to keep track of their tasks, deadlines, and project information. Because Kroolo adopts Agile release planning methodologies, users can segment projects into smaller increments and then prioritize and keep track of goals.

2. Incremental task management

Agile's incremental strategy is ideal for Kroolo's task management. First, users can set up tasks according to Agile release increments. This gives a clear picture of deliverables at each stage. Doing so allows for the delivery of value in iterative cycles so that tasks are completed according to Agile methodology.

3. Adaptive collaboration

Collaboration and communication are stressed under agile methodologies. Kroolo's collaboration features, including shared boards, real-time messaging, and task assignments allow for greater effective teamwork and client involvement. With Agile principles imbued in the Kroolo, there are constant feedback loops and cooperation between team members and clients.

4. Flexibility and adjustability

Agile's adaptive nature complements Kroolo's flexible qualities. With Kroolo, users have the flexibility to adapt project plans as priorities change or new insights emerge. It enables freelancers and gig workers to adapt project timelines, remodel task priorities, and accommodate changing client needs--all with ease.

5. Insightful analytics and feedback

Kroolo's analytics and reporting features show project progress and team performance. With agile metrics built into Kroolo, users can monitor sprint progress, and observe task completion rates. They also collect feedback to refine their agile release planning strategies.

Basically, integrating Agile release planning methodologies with Kroolo allows the self-employed to add the software's complete set of tools for structured project management, sequential task execution, cooperative labor, and flexible planning to their arsenals. Gig workers have a chance now to achieve a whole new level of productivity.


Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What is agile release planning and why should freelancers pay attention?

Agile release planning is a way to break up large amounts of work and make incremental progress. It improves your productivity by organizing tasks and adapting to changing client needs for freelancers.

2. Agile Release Planning without a team? Is it possible for freelancers?

Yes, agile release planning can be used by solopreneurs and freelancers. Its management of tasks, priorities, and planning helps them to make better arrangements for work.

3. What tools are available to freelancers for agile release planning?

Freelancers can make use of tools like Kroolo for agile release planning with its intuitive task management that improves collaboration and adaptability at large. 

4. What difficulties might freelancers encounter when using agile release planning, and how to solve them?

Adapting to a new workflow and managing priorities can be one of the biggest challenges. These can only be overcome by a process of gradual implementation, clear communication, and educating clients on the advantages of an agile approach.


Revolutionize your Freelancing Game with Agile Release Planning

Finally, Agile release planning is a big thing for freelancers and gig workers. If freelancers can learn to follow five best practices--communication, incremental value delivery, adaptability, review cycles, and empowerment--their own productivity and client satisfaction will see a big increase.

So, incorporate agile methods into your workflow using Kroolo and other tools to make tasks simpler, and cooperation easier. Start with making small beginnings,and gradual adaptation changes and you'll see impactful results in project management. 

Embrace agile's flexible style; and tailor it to you to raise efficiency and client satisfaction in your freelance work

Are you prepared to get your freelance game on with agile release planning? Sign up with Kroolo and unleash your freelancing game with agile methodology.


Task Management

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